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About: George Jerome

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Posted: Thursday Aug 22nd, 2013 at 5:54 pm #56472

Hi Randy:
Great to hear from you.
I sort of have page control now, hasn’t been easy.
But now I face a different issue. The select and pay setup is clumsy at best. I want 3 levels of membership, and 3 different time increments [1 month, 3 and 12 months]. So there are 9 possible selections to make. Putting 9 Paypal buttons on a page is just plain terrible looking.
I started looking for a shopping cart that I can add to s2, but that isn’t quite as simple as I hoped [what is?]
When there is, in effect 3 products[levels], and 3 variations on each [time], short of a full blown shopping cart [which does not appear very simple to coordinate with s2], are there any other ways to go?

Sorry for all of the questions – I am a systems electronic engineer, and this puts me very far out of my realm. Give me a tough control system to design, and I will work wonders, but this stuff????? Babe in the woods.

Posted: Monday Aug 19th, 2013 at 10:59 pm #56191

Randy, may I ask one question?
I think I see the problem.
When I go to, instead of taking me to a page, I get the posts. I made “hello world” a private post, so now instead of getting member options, I get nothing found [I have no postings that are public now.]

I created several pages, some unrestricted, and some with a 4 membership level. If I click on a “4”, I get the member option page [that is right]. If I click on a 0 level page, I get that page [also right].

So my only problem now is getting the root folder of WP to show a page [the member option page] instead of posts. Actually, the way I will be doing this, all posts will be pages [the “posts” will actually be class lectures, there will not be any posts, especially from users]. I would like to eliminate the “posting” section completely, or at least make it unavailable to users, logged in or not.

I didn’t understand what I was looking at when this kept coming up “Hello World.” I kept think of that as a page, not post.

Thank you, Randy, you are most kind,

Posted: Monday Aug 19th, 2013 at 7:23 pm #56186

Randy, thank you very much for your efforts. I do appreciate it.
I will work through your comments, then if that doesn’t work, I will remove S2, and reinstall it one more time. If setting up a fresh install by the book does not work for me, then I will move on to something else.
It is very frustrating, especially given that it clearly works. I must be doing some little thing wrong.


Posted: Monday Aug 19th, 2013 at 5:56 pm #56183

Randy, I just tried something.
I went into the sample page and edit. Upper right hand quarter was the S2member box for setting membership level requirement. I set it at level 2.
I went to the WP root level in IE9 [never signed in on IE], and got the Hello world page. I clicked the sample page at the top, and immediately got it.

So now it is a certainty – S2 is functioning, giving me all of the setting options, but not controlling anything. There has to be a very fundamental problem that is preventing S2 from working. I just do not know what that is.

Posted: Monday Aug 19th, 2013 at 3:18 pm #56177

Randy, I was about to take a big gulp of air, then plead mia culpa. But, alas, no, that isn’t what’s happening.
I do have both Firefox and IE9 [hate it] on my computer. I do all development on FF.
I just went to the WP root on IE9, and get essentially the same as on FF. Small differences, but I attribute those to the difference in how the browser interprets html.
It really seems like S2 is turned off even though it is “activated.”
However, your comments would not have occurred to me. I reaqlly thank you for that pointer. Probably will save me a lot of frustration, just not this time.

Maybe it just knows I am html illiterate, and doesn’t want to work for me?

Posted: Monday Aug 19th, 2013 at 1:56 pm #56169

HI Randy:
Thank you for the suggestions.
I did as you suggested – I deactivated S2. The theme is 2013, and there are no plugins running. A bare bones WP.
Then I reactivated S2, and made sure that both the welcome page, and member option page were correctly specified under general options. The pages were created in WP, and listed under S2.
When I then go my root WP URL [not the same as my root site –, and – does this matter?], I get the same sample page. I should be getting the members option page, shouldn’t I?
It appears that even though S2 is “active”, it really isn’t. Absolutely nothing changes whether it is active or not.
As I said above, when I first installed S2, I got a red box saying the plugin will not be functional until I create and use both the member option and welcome pages. After setting those up, the red box went away, but other than that, S2 appears to be DOA [dead on arrival] – nothing changes with it or not.
Is there a master “on switch” somewhere I have to set [other than activating it?]


Posted: Thursday Jun 27th, 2013 at 7:41 pm #52708

Hi Eduan: Yes that is correct, but now something has happened. I can’t log in – it acts like the admin users I created don’t exist, or the passwords have changed. I am trying to get past that now.

Posted: Thursday Jun 27th, 2013 at 6:11 pm #52701

Thank you Bruce. Will do.

Posted: Wednesday Jun 26th, 2013 at 2:08 pm #52628

Hello Eduan:
I set up a temporary login for you:

User – temp
pass – temp

Honestly, I am getting frustrated, I seem to be going in circles. All I want is a simple system where I post “blogs”, and depending on level, users have access to various pages. I do not want any users able to post, and no product selling [the page content is what I am selling]. I do need two pages with forms for users to send information to me, and these pages will have a different level requirement than the posting pages.
There is a search function at the bottom. It allows a non registered user to access all pages, and that does not work. I would like a search function, but only giving access to pages at the user’s level.
I would VERY MUCH appreciate any help I can get. I am new to WP, and finding it rather non-user friendly with respect to accomplishing the above.

Posted: Tuesday Jun 4th, 2013 at 5:44 pm #51359

Thanks, Cassel. Most definitely, if you are a Headway affiliate, I will take that route. I need first to get the present kinks ironed out, then I will get into making the site more appealing.

Posted: Tuesday Jun 4th, 2013 at 1:05 pm #51338

Oh!. Then maybe I am looking in the wrong places. I will look into how much WP will allow me to modify s2M generated pages.
I looked at Headway. I guess if WP and s2 are free [until I buy the pro version of s2M] I can afford to spring for Headway. It looks like you get a lot of flexibility with that.

Thanks again for your help, Cassel.

Posted: Tuesday Jun 4th, 2013 at 12:14 pm #51334

Bruce, thank you for your input. I am trying to set up a relatively simple paid subscription part of my web site. You say that I “shouldn’t run into any problems” – in fact, I have run into nothing but problems.
I cannot control what page is the landing page – right now it is the members options page.
I want to remove the “edit” link found on all pages – can’t find a way to do that.
I want to remove the meta links on the right hand panel – can’t find a way to do that.
I want to add graphics, buttons, links, etc on a page. How to do that? Is there flexibility to place things where I want, or am I trapped to a fixed layout?
etc, etc.
While there are many controls in the program, it appears that the controls allowing for changing what is on a page is scant. The videos talk about installing the framework, and then jump into the pro version [I understand that is what you sell, but you can’t “sell” me unless I can get the basics working] without explaining much about how to control the pages.
I have been playing with this for several days, and so far I am not even close to a working system.

Bruce, plus a little thing. In this world of instant everything, I posted the original questions on June 1. You responded on June 4. Most people give up on tech support by that time.

Posted: Tuesday Jun 4th, 2013 at 12:28 am #51264

First, I love your site! Is that done with WordPress? I would really like to know how to create bordered boxes like that. I have a menu structure similar to that in the main part of my site, but how to do it in WP?
I may cheat, and use your theme, if you wouldn’t mind. It looks far better than the one I’m using.

I can design computers and aircraft, but getting a #@$*&^* simple web site to look right is beginning to get me down.
I understand the page definitions you state, it’s getting the program to point to the right page that is proving to be a problem. I am getting the member option page coming up as the landing page, instead of the signin page as it should be. I don’t see how to identify the landing page so that is the first thing a visitor sees.
Then, every page has an “edit” button on it. I have spent far too much time trying to find a way to eliminate that.

So many little issues, so little patience,

Posted: Monday Jun 3rd, 2013 at 9:56 pm #51260

Yes, I have. Actually, I am using two computers. One, I am the admin. On the other, I start with not being signed up. That mistake I caught! But there must be 5 more.

Posted: Monday Jun 3rd, 2013 at 9:50 pm #51259

Hi Eduan:
Thank you very much for the response.
I am having considerable trouble right now because I can ‘t seen to control which pages users are directed to.
The members options page right now is the one a new user is sent to. It should be the signin/signup page. If signup, I need a form and then Paypal buttons, but at this point, I can’t even get the right page to come up.

It seems to me that either I am doing something very wrong, or the help information is misdirected, because I do not see anything talking about how to get the right page at the right time.

Posted: Monday Jun 3rd, 2013 at 1:11 pm #51224

I think you just hit something relevant. I went to “all pages” in WP. It lists all of the membership pages, but it does not list what I am calling the “main” WP page – the one that comes up when I invoke the WP portion of my site.
If I edit any of the other pages, other than the two required by s2, it shows that page as already restricted by my level 2 page restriction. But I cannot seem to get to that opening page in WP, except that is what comes up first.
I have to go out for an hour or so.
When I get back, I will try to figure out what gives with this opening page.

Again, I very much appreciate your helping.

Posted: Monday Jun 3rd, 2013 at 11:31 am #51221

Cassel, I really appreciate your help -it is getting very frustrating.
Maybe I am looking at this wrong. right now, I have just one page in WP – I posted 2 items. But I created 2 additional pages, as per the s2 instructions. When I go to the WP part of my site, I get that one WP page with 2 postings – exactly as before s2. I assumed that It would send me to the member signup page, no?
I set up 3 levels, 0, 1, and 2. [set as silver and gold].
Since I am not “signed up”, I assume it should take me to the signup page, not my first posting page.
First I only put page restrictions, and that did nothing. Just now, I put posting restrictions “all”, and I still get to the first page of WP, with postings.
It appears that s2 is doing nothing whatever.
I previously installed paid member pro, and basically had the same result, it didn’t restrict anything. I eventually gave up on it. I deactivated that one, but did not completely remove it. It appears to me that nothing actually prevents someone from going to any page they want – and defeats the concept of paid subscriptions.

Posted: Monday Jun 3rd, 2013 at 11:02 am #51219

I just went back and restricted everything I can find. If I can get s2 to do something [send user to signin page], then I can start backing off restrictions to see how this works.
No matter what I do, s2 does nothing. I always get the first WP page, unrestricted.
And nothing in your information gives me a clue as to how to solve this.
I am a customer if I can get this working. I am gone if not.

Posted: Monday Jun 3rd, 2013 at 10:22 am #51216

I set page restrictions, but they seem to do nothing. I created the pages as shown in your literature, [and I verified that they are there], but s2 doesn’t point top anything. Except for the site secure button, it seems to do nothing.
I do not see anything in your videos or instructions that helps solve a problem like this.

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