You can use the levels like that or you can call the course something else, just so you don’t get confused with the levels which are, by default, incremental.
So you can call them Course1, Course2, Course3 and those would be the custom capabilities (ccaps).
The simplest way to protect the content is with the little box on the top right when you add a page or a post, where it says “Require Custom Capabilities?”. There, you would enter Course1, or Course2, etc.
If you want/need to use conditionals instead, it could look like this
[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_course1)]
Display the content for Course 1
[s2If !current_user_can(access_s2member_course1)]
Display information about the course, and direct them to register for it, so it could even be a sale page at the same time
So your purchase button would have something like this for single course:
[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="1" ccaps="course1" desc="First course" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="yoursite.com" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="10" rp="1" rt="L" rr="BN" rrt="" rra="1" image="default" output="button" /]
but the bundle would be coded like this:
[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="1" ccaps="course1,course2,course3" desc="Bundle of all 3 courses" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="yoursite.com" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="10" rp="1" rt="L" rr="BN" rrt="" rra="1" image="default" output="button" /]
Would that work for you?
I am using that all over my own site, and it is easy enough to manage once you understand that basic.
Maybe some simple troubleshooting first:
– do you have the most updated version of s2M?
– did your conditional EVER worked and stopped working?
– do you have OTHER conditionals that work ok?
Do you mean that Instructor is a role they have? Could you try changing that to S2Member Level 2 and see how it affects the outcome? I have never used other than the s2M levels, subscribers (which means level0) and admin (for me) so I am not sure how it would play but that is something to look into. Maybe those roles do not play well with something else?
The code is correct. You got it pretty much from the start. There seems to be something else.
Can you double-check on the ccap (or absence of) for both of your test account?
Can you make sure one of them does NOT have an admin role as this will override everything?
I have had a similar situation on my site and I found out that the easiest way was to copy the content like this:
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level2) AND !current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_trainee)]
Instructors' Area
Content A + B
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level2) AND current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_trainee)]
Trainee Instructor
Content B
It can be annoying to duplicate the content, but I found out it works for me and is simpler to “reason”.
Worth a try?
And with this code, everyone sees everything? No restriction?
Based on my own experience on my site, here is a possible solution (there might be something “prettier” but this is all I know)
<?php if (current_user_is("s2member_level0")) && !current_user_can('administrator')){ ?><script type="text/javascript">window.location = 'http://yourdomain/pageforlevel0';</script><?php } else {?><?php } ?>
<?php if (current_user_is("s2member_level1")) && !current_user_can('administrator')){ ?><script type="text/javascript">window.location = 'http://yourdomain/pageforlevel1';</script><?php } else {?><?php } ?>
And so on. I think you have to use the php because of the javascript code in there.
There is also the command && !current_user_can(‘administrator’) because, if you are the admin, you want to be able to see the page you want, and not be redirected automatically.
Would that work?
In fact, it is easy with s2M… the problem is that the system is so “down to the letter” that it cannot read our mind! We just have to think EXTREMELY literal.
Sometimes, you have to look at this from the content angle and not the member’s angle. So you have this:
Content A = for only those with “trainee” ccap
Content B = for all
You want this content B to be accessible to all.
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level2)]
Instructors' Area
Content B
Now you want content A ONLY for those with the trainee ccap:
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level2) AND current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_trainee)]
Trainee Instructor
Content A
It is just switching things the other way. Does this work?
Also, the idea of a redirection would still require the use of some conditional so if it is not clear for s2M how to work with this code, it would likely be the same issue with a redirect (I do use redirect on my site, so I am familiar with it too).
This reply was modified 3 years ago by cassel.
Are you testing this as an admin? Or do you have a test user without admin privileges?
Try this code instead (change the AND by OR):
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level2)]
Instructors' Area
Content A
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level2) OR current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_trainee)]
Trainee Instructor
Content B
Since both levels are Level 2, maybe you don’t need to add this to the conditional (unless you have other levels/ccaps to distinguish them from).
The code you are displaying seems ok. Where are you getting the wrong display? What do you get instead?
Are you testing as an admin? Do you have some restrictions set on the top right box in the dashboard when you create a content page? Basically, what result are you getting that you should not be getting (or vice versa)?
S2Member should not be able to do that. As far as I know, it cannot handle two EOT or 2 concurrent recurring membership payments.
That being said, it made me realized that I had one customer who has been paying twice, every month. I’ll be following this thread for an explanation. Maybe a bug in the system can allow us to offer two concurrent membership payments.
If you buy that hack, the instructions are detailed. And if it is not clear enough, Krum would be happy to help you.
I have been using a hack coded by Krum to do something like that (in fact, I have more than one hack in use).
One will allow the user to start getting access to content from the time they “purchase” the subscription, and will get everything after that purchase. A bit like a magazine subscription: you pay now, so you start getting access now. If you want past issues, you have to purchase them separately. This hack is called Clock Timer:
The second hack he coded for me allows you to start a dripping content based on the member’s purchase date and not the registration date (which might be different).
I am not sure if this would address all the requirements you have, but it might. And if it is close to what you want but need some tweaks, Krum can customize it for you.
(although those above are affiliate links, I am not getting any commission; it is only for tracking purpose)
This reply was modified 3 years ago by cassel.
If this might be considered a bug of a newer version, you might want to direct the tech support attention to it (this is a community forum so they might not see it). Check out on top of this page for the Help/Docs and Contact a Human. If it is a bug, I am sure they will appreciate.
I think it looks good.
Did you try it with the test user at different level?
You need to put that code for all the content you want to protect.
Whatever will be inside the shortcodes, will be reserved for only the members who have the level access you determined.
You can test with your test member with different levels and see if the member can access all the content it should see, and NOT see the other content.
Then, you should be ok.
You can test it by creating a test user, give the user a level and check. Use different browsers for you, the admin, to give the access, and the test user to try it.
Well, if you can set the member’s level, then you can use this code:
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level3)]
Some premium content for Level 3 Members.
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level2)]
Some premium content for Level 2 Members.
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level1)]
Some premium content for Level 1 Members.
but since you want some members to have access to more than one level content, you would have to add something like this too:
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level4) OR current_user_is(s2member_level3) OR current_user_is(s2member_level2) OR current_user_is(s2member_level1)]
Some premium content that can be accessed by various level members
This is a little bit more coding that I personally like but it is still feasible. Would that work?
I don’t know that payment system, but how do you include levels or ccaps for this payment system?
Hi Marjan,
This will be pretty simple once you get the hang of it. The “problem” is using the Levels make things confusing because S2Members creates levels to be cumulatives, but if you don’t want them cumulative, you should use ccaps – Custom Capabilities (even if you call them LEVELS).
Let’s say you have content A, B, C, D, E, F
Content A and B is for anyone who has LEVEL1 ccap
Content C and D is for anyone who has LEVEL2 ccap
Content E and F is for anyone who has LEVEL3 ccap
So you will protect Content A within these shortcodes:
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level1)]
Content A or B and will be accessible only to Members with LEVEL1 ccap.
[s2If current_user_is(s2member_level2)]
Content C or D and will be accessible only to Members with LEVEL2 ccap.
Now, since a member cannot be at more than one level, that is why you will include the LEVEL as a ccap instead. So in your Paypal button, you will have LEVEL1 or LEVEL2 or LEVEL3 included. If you want a member to purchase the content to more than one level, then you include all of them like LEVEL1,LEVEL2,LEVEL3 in the ccap.
So what you call LEVEL4, does not need to have its own ccap since LEVEL4 = LEVEL1+LEVEL2+LEVEL3 so since the member will get all those levels in their ccaps, they will be able to access the content you protected with the shortcodes.
Does that seem clearer?
aus_team, when I fill out that form and don’t need those info, I just enter bogus data like “123” in each of them. It works! But I also mentioned that to them.
This reply was modified 3 years ago by cassel.
Yes it would work. You can assign a custom capability to each video and have them accessible only if the viewer has that ccap.
The “problem” however, is that s2Member does not work like a shopping cart, meaning that until now, a viewer can only purchase ONE product. That product can be a bundle of several ones, but in that case, they have to purchase it as a bundle that you have set up.
But if the member wants to buy video #13 now, and #28 in 5 minutes, it will work. Just annoyingly as the member has to make 2 purchases and it will cost you 2 transaction fees.
I personally like the idea of making a main page, with the two options spelled out and then, direct each option to its own page with a pro-form if you want. I find it looks like a seamless process (even if you add one click) to get to the form to fill.
Maybe give this a try with a few pages and see how the process flows.
By the way, there are two forms on the page protected with conditionals. Any chance it’s causing a conflict there?
Definitely. The system cannot have two forms on the same page. It can have several buttons, but not pro-forms.
Any ideas on why I receive this error in Internet Explorer: Invalid form configuration. Invalid “custom” attribute. When provided, must start with your domain name.
Your custom= variable has to have the whole URL, including the http and such, while in your example, it only has part of the URL. Try to add the complete URL and see if it works better.
This reply was modified 3 years ago by cassel.