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My Latest Replies (From Various Topics)

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Posted: Tuesday Feb 28th, 2012 at 10:41 pm #6707
Username: cassel

Ahhhh! yes. I thought it was hidden somewhere, and i was right. Thanks!

Posted: Sunday Feb 26th, 2012 at 6:25 pm #6473
Username: cassel

Never mind. I think i figured it out. Since i dont know much about HTML, i create the pages in a web editor and whenever i add a shortcode like the Paypal button, the editor adds spaces everywhere in the code messing up that attribute (i know it keeps the ra attribute ok though), so i have to go back into the WP page and put the shortcode “spelled correctly” and bypass the web editor. Annoying, but since i know, i should be ok.

Hopefully, it might help others who are not HTML savvy, like me!

Posted: Sunday Feb 26th, 2012 at 11:31 am #6454
Username: cassel

I should still have it, but instead of paying a developper to set it all in place, i was hoping it was almost ready for a release in a new version. No point in paying now if something similar will come up within a short time, right? I am not in a real hurry but it would make my business go a little easier. I can still wait as i found some \”interesting\” workaround using conditionals (yeah, they are almost addictive!), so i might wait (unless one of you guys want to test run that option you emailed me, for free ;) ).

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by  cassel.
Posted: Friday Feb 24th, 2012 at 8:58 pm #6371
Username: cassel

I will be glad to see this idea implemented in the future! It will be very useful i am sure.

Posted: Thursday Feb 23rd, 2012 at 11:11 am #6117
Username: cassel

If i am not mistaken, that is how you add the

success = " " 

code (sorry, i dont know how to display ot in here). Check in the Paypal Button > Shortcode attributes (at teh bottom) and you get all the information to add or modify the code generated by s2M.

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by  cassel.
Posted: Wednesday Feb 22nd, 2012 at 2:54 pm #5998
Username: cassel


Maybe something to add to a wishlist for future release of s2M.

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by  cassel.
Posted: Tuesday Feb 21st, 2012 at 4:55 pm #5902
Username: cassel

I am using MailChimp as a mailing list and integrated with S2M. Although you might not need a mailing list, i set up the autoresponder of MC to send a email 2 weeks before renewal (the duration for my product is 6 months). In the email, i send the people to a hidden page where they have a button to renew. It seems to work well so maybe something to try?

Posted: Monday Feb 20th, 2012 at 7:06 pm #5756
Username: cassel

My problem is that the Paypal pro is too expensive for me, for now. So i would have to go with paypal express checkout if i need the Pro-form.

Now, maybe you can clarify other questions related to Paypal use:
– if i go with express checkout to use pro-form, does it mean that everything will go through Paypal express (including the Paypal buttons)?
– since i have a zencart that is totally separate from my s2M site, will the Paypal Express checkout affect that too since it is the same paypal account or it is “activated” only in certain conditions, like the use of pro-forms (which is not the case in the zencart)?

Posted: Monday Feb 20th, 2012 at 6:57 pm #5751
Username: cassel

Thanks, that is what i went for. Initially, i didn’t realize there were differences in the ccaps and the independant ccaps. Nice to know for upselling!

Posted: Saturday Feb 18th, 2012 at 5:32 pm #5623
Username: cassel

OK, there seems to be a big problem is displaying the code as i am typing it. It is NOT looking like it did when i typed it, nor when i previewed it. Let’s hope someone can figure out how to display my code properly. If not, i’ll send you a message, ok?

I cannot even find a way to send you a direct message with this new board. I’ll look around for that. The redirect is very simple and so are the conditionals. It is just like algebra: simple basics but you can make it as complicated as you want after!

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by  cassel.
Posted: Saturday Feb 18th, 2012 at 5:25 pm #5621
Username: cassel

I actually realized that i didn’t enclose the code in a code format so what i showed you didn’t display correctly. It was supposed to be this:

window.location = '';

S2M is very powerful and the ccaps is one of the most powerful feature, combined with the conditionals. I am NOT a developper, and i am NOT a coder (even HTML is foreign language for me). The logic is very simple, and the coding, once you have it, is also simple. There is a video explaining the use of the conditionals here:

The ccap is not necessary for you if you are using levels. In my site, it is just not what i need. So, to recapitulate, here is what you might be looking for:

on your level 3 page, you can add something like this on top

   window.location = 'http://theotherpage';

Which simply translates:
If the current user cannot access level3
send him to this other page

Check the API /Scripting > Advanced/PHP conditional for many examples. It looks like jibberish at first, trust me, but when you know how it works, it gives you much more flexibility than any “simple” button possibly built in the s2M itself.

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by  cassel.
Posted: Saturday Feb 18th, 2012 at 4:52 pm #5618
Username: cassel

I have that sort of redirect on my site. I have two sales pages and if someone already has purchased those courses (and they are logged in), they are redirected to the index of that course. Maybe this can help you?
Here is what i used:

window.location = ‘’;

I am not using levels in my site, but just ccaps, but it is the same principle. In this example,
– if a visitor comes, or a non-logged member, they will see the sales page where this code is place because it does not meet either of the two first requirements
– if a member comes, is logged but has a different ccap, he will see the sales page also because it does not meet the requirements
– if a logged in member, with the correct ccap (called “basic” in this case), then, instead of the page he was trying to reach (the sales page), he will be directed to the “welcome to the basic scrapping course” page, which is the index of the course (no point in pitching the sale again)

Then, i also put the “matching” code in the course index page, in case someone would find the direct link to it, and tries to access it without the proper requirement.

BTW, the mention of the administrator is a great little detail to add so that you, as an admin, CAN view either page and NOT get redirected whichever page you want to view (essential when you are formatting your page!).

Hope this helps.

Posted: Saturday Feb 18th, 2012 at 4:18 pm #5613
Username: cassel

At the base, when a member is not logged in, s2M cannot say whether they are supposed to be a level 1 or level 3 member or not a member at all, so unless the member IS logged it, i dont think s2M will know to direct them to a different page.

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by  cassel.
Posted: Friday Feb 17th, 2012 at 11:28 pm #5563
Username: cassel

As i am working my way through this, it seems much easier than i though since i can hide just about everything inside the conditionals and simply keep the ONE thing outside of it when needed. However, i am working with the PayPal® Capability (Buy Now) Buttons and it states this:

*Important Note* Independent Custom Capability Buttons should ONLY be displayed to existing Users/Members, and they MUST be logged-in, BEFORE clicking this Button. Otherwise, post-processing of their transaction will fail to recognize the Customer’s existing account within WordPress®. Please display this Button only to Users/Members that are already logged into their account ( perhaps in your Login Welcome Page for s2Member ), or in another location where you can be absolutely sure that a User/Member is logged in. s2Member’s Simple Conditionals could also be used to ensure a User/Member is logged in, by wrapping your Shortcode within a Conditional test. For further details, please see: s2Member -> API Scripting -> Simple Conditionals.

I am now unsure if i understand correctly how to do that. If i generate a button from that section, do i have to have the visitor as a member? Why is it doing it differently than in the PayPal® Buttons For Level #1 Access? Maybe i should generate a Buy Now button from the PayPal® Buttons For Level #1 Access instead?

Posted: Friday Feb 17th, 2012 at 9:38 pm #5556
Username: cassel

Just to clarify the request, i would like the option to use coupon codes but NOT use Paypal pro.

If i could use a coupon code feature without the pro form, it would be ideal.

If i have to use the pro-form to use the coupon, can i still use the standard paypal account? I do not have any need for the Credit cards use but strangely, the standard business account with Paypal seems to have more flexibility than the Express checkout since the user CAN use a CC if they want, without having to go inside Paypal.

What do you suggest?

Posted: Friday Feb 17th, 2012 at 8:21 pm #5537
Username: cassel

The email account has been changed and worked fine in the old forum. Not so since the switch.

Following the question about download purchase, does the coupon feature with s2M pro work also with Buy Now buttons?

Posted: Friday Feb 17th, 2012 at 5:01 am #5473
Username: cassel

Thanks. I was thinking that possibly the ccaps would be possible. Since i have been using that extensively on my site, i will look closely for that option. The EVP would be easy with conditionals, which is basically what i am doing now, as the videos are only viewable if you are logged in so i think i’ll pull it off.

Thanks again.
and btw, i didn’t get a notification of a reply to this thread… again :(

Posted: Thursday Feb 16th, 2012 at 8:58 pm #5422
Username: cassel

Good question. I know they are working on EOT feature and i am also anxious to see their result.

Posted: Tuesday Feb 7th, 2012 at 10:51 pm #4414
Username: cassel

Andrea, i am not specialist of s2M but i also wish there was such a quick solution. However, if you have thte pro version, you can export the database, and from there, you could probably sort the members by EOT date. I think that might be your best option. Good luck.

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