My Latest Replies (From Various Topics)
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Posted: Monday Jul 16th, 2012 at 12:59 pm #19378 | |
It’s from the PayPal Pro Forms. It’s the same submit button as on the Pro Form which you can view here: I didn’t add the button, that button was generated automatically. That’s what I’m trying to say. I made the pro forms pages through S2 Member and those buttons appeared. I understand that they can be removed, I’m posting here to find out HOW to remove the one on the PayPal Pro Form because it is confusing my customers. |
Posted: Monday Jul 16th, 2012 at 12:57 pm #19376 | |
Fair enough. If I figure out the root and solution to the problems I will repost to help any others that may run into this issue. Thanks for trying Cristian, I appreciate it. |
Posted: Friday Jul 13th, 2012 at 2:45 pm #19184 | |
I thought of that, the problem is that some of those capabilities include giving them the ability to edit other people’s posts, which I cannot allow. However, I’ve already added the ‘publish_posts’ capability and it is not working. I currently use that same capability with a similar gravity forms installation that does not have S2Member and it works fine, so I’m stumped. Maybe it would be important to mention that I am using gravity forms to generate the posts. Here is what happens, in case this helps:
I hope this better explains where the hangup is. I am currently using gravity forms for a similar purpose but without S2Member installed and everything is functioning correctly, so I’m trying to figure out what I can modify between the two plugins to achieve the desired affect. Hopefully you can help me. |
Posted: Friday Jul 13th, 2012 at 2:38 pm #19183 | |
Thank you for your response. I completely understand that PayPal is requiring this. I’m cool with that. But having both buttons makes no sense to me (unless I’m missing something, which is entirely possible). Would it ruin the functionality to simply remove the “submit” button on that specific form using css or is that not a good idea? It is confusing new members and causing support issues. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. |
Posted: Thursday Jul 12th, 2012 at 3:57 pm #19067 | |
The “submit” button was automatically generated per the theme styles, same as on the other form which can be viewed here on the pro form: I’m just trying to figure out why the paypal pro form decided to pull a paypal button and a submit button as well. Any thoughts? |
Posted: Thursday Jul 12th, 2012 at 1:34 pm #19053 | |
Thank you Cristian. For some reason, even with publish_posts capability activated for S2Member Level 1 users, they are still unavailable as a selection in the author section of a wp-post. Any other thoughts? |
Posted: Tuesday Jul 10th, 2012 at 11:09 am #18811 | |
Thank you for your help. I just tried that after reading your response. I added it and gave the S2Member Level 1 role the ‘publish posts’ capability and they still aren’t selectable in the “author” section of the post editor. Is there something I’m forgetting? Thanks in advance. |
Posted: Saturday Jun 23rd, 2012 at 6:03 pm #17258 | |
To clarify…. I don’t think you necessarily need to redesign the UI. At first glance your UI seemed to be very non-appealing compared to at least one of your competitors, however once I dove in, I realized that your UI is actually very well organized and efficient. If you plan to make changes, maybe just add Example Images and Vid Tuts directly in the different settings. I will say this much….when I setup my first S2 Member site options, it took about 4 or 5 hours, though my second one only took about 1. I’ve only done a few and I have all of the basic settings and configurations memorized… point is that it is better than it first appears….in my opinion. |
Posted: Friday Jun 22nd, 2012 at 7:46 pm #17226 | |
Thanks for forwarding the thread. Research is more important than people think. People usually buy plugins like this as a solution, and often times their solution requires special needs and they don’t realize that a “solution” can become another a problem if they don’t execute proper research before buying. |
Posted: Friday Jun 22nd, 2012 at 3:33 pm #17213 | |
Thanks for the clarification. I appreciate you taking the time to assist me. I have everything working perfectly now. |
Posted: Thursday Jun 21st, 2012 at 4:57 pm #17153 | |
Cristián: First of all… Thank you for your response. Your assistance is always appreciated. Also, thank you for clarifying how I would add two separate custom capabilities as conditionals in the drip feed script. That helps out a tremendous amount. However, I am a little confused by one section of your response. I’m hoping you could clarify what you meant by this section of your response.
Specifically the “because you didn’t add that part”. Which part are you referring to that I did not add? Please clarify, as I don’t understand what you mean. Thanks again in advance for your help. |
Posted: Monday Jun 18th, 2012 at 1:56 pm #16780 | |
works great….. I used…..
however….what I wanted to make some additional customer service agents that need access to all the content. Rather than giving them all a bunch of capabilities, I wanted to create another capability like ‘showmeall’. I tried adding this capability to a drip feed along with the ‘showme30’ capability but it did not work. What is the script for adding access for different types of user capabilities within the same dripping script? |
Posted: Saturday Jun 16th, 2012 at 2:00 pm #16687 | |
Perfect. Everything works as I thought it would. How do I mark a forum topic resolved here? |
Posted: Friday Jun 15th, 2012 at 4:06 pm #16607 | |
I’m assuming that I can add multiple custom capabilities to a specific user, correct? And if so, how would I add them in the user profile? Like this…. cc_custom_1, cc_custom_1, cc_custom_3 or do I need to use dashes “-” or do I need to use semicolons “;” Just trying to figure this out so I can start making this workout as I planned. If I’m understanding these custom capabilities it will give me all the control I can imagine with this plugin. Thanks in advance |
Posted: Thursday Jun 14th, 2012 at 2:46 pm #16498 | |
I’m sure that will work perfectly for what I want to do…thank you. Mark Resolved |
Posted: Tuesday Jun 12th, 2012 at 2:09 am #16212 | |
Is there a way to manipulate the system to treat a specific user as if they have been a member for 60 days when they’ve really only been a member for 30 days? I’m finding that I have clients who are ready to pay early for the next month’s worth of content, but I cannot process their card early, because the system won’t treat them any differently as far as I can tell. I’m really looking for the ability to push a member a month ahead of schedule on the content dripping process (or maybe even 2 months ahead for some clients). Any thoughts on that? Thanks in advance. |
Posted: Tuesday Jun 12th, 2012 at 2:05 am #16211 | |
Got It….I’ll be messing with that in the next couple of days….thanks for the heads up. |
Posted: Saturday Jun 9th, 2012 at 3:31 pm #16080 | |
@Cristián: Thank you for your response. I appreciate you answering my post on the weekend. I wasn’t expecting a response until Monday, so for that I thank you. When you have a moment, I would appreciate a few links in the right direction that could give me some instruction on putting your recommendations into action. I’m still quite new with S2 Member and need a little direction. I can definitely implement whatever needs to be done, but not quite sure of the who, when, where, how and what’s….if you know what I mean. I will gladly read whatever threads and documentation you point me to. Again, if you don’t get to this today, I will understand, a response on Monday is just as good as a response today. Thanks in advance. |
Posted: Thursday Jun 7th, 2012 at 4:35 pm #15837 | |
Yes he did. But he also closed the topic to replies, and so I wasn’t able to notify him that the solution he provided did not solve the problem. Since I couldn’t notify him in that thread that the situation was not resolved, I started a new thread. |
Posted: Monday Jun 4th, 2012 at 4:49 pm #15398 | |
So far, I’ve found a plugin called the Admin Menu Editor, which seems to server the purpose I was looking for. Though, now I have the issue of a sub-admin creating a user as “Administrator” role and then having full access to everything…including S2 Member. Any ideas on how I can block a role that has “create_users” capability from choosing “administrator” as one of the roles they are able to assign a new user they are creating? |
Posted: Thursday May 17th, 2012 at 5:33 am #13745 | |
Cristián, Thanks for the tip on that plugin, I have tested it and it works great. I think it would be a great feature to have built in to S2 Member instead, as S2 Member shows the added stats directly within the Users table of WP-Admin right next to each user, whereas this one is in its own section. But then again, maybe in time I will like this other plugin for that feature better….who knows. If you guys aren’t familiar with it, you may want to check it out, as it provides some nice stuff that would integrate nicely within S2Member. Thanks again. |
Posted: Wednesday May 16th, 2012 at 12:13 pm #13669 | |
Please Cristian, I can’t allow an employee to have access to the S2 Member options, but I don’t have time to check login amounts, TOS agreements, user assistance for customer service issues, etc. Please help me find a workaround for this. PLEASE :) Thanks in advance. |
Posted: Wednesday May 16th, 2012 at 12:11 pm #13668 | |
Yes Christian, I am wanting the ability to determine when a person logged in first. The reason for this is chargeback disputes. I have a member that is claiming that they weren’t able to get logged in for nearly a month after they paid. I know it’s B.S. and so does the customer, but I can’t prove it. If I was able to take a screenshot of the dashboard for the merchant account, I could easily win the chargeback. I don’t mind refunding someone (and I will be refunding him after I win the chargeback), but chargebacks are extremely dangerous for online membership sites and I want to have ammo to beat the chargeback and then refund the customer on my own accord so that I don’t get flagged by my merchant account. |
Posted: Wednesday May 16th, 2012 at 12:38 am #13611 | |
Eduan, Thank you for your answer. I’m assuming that if I enact the OTO, it will add a “OTO” column in the List of Users within the “Users” section of WP-Admin? Am I correct in my assumption? |
Posted: Monday Apr 23rd, 2012 at 2:11 pm #11627 | |
Raam….are you telling me that S2Member doesn’t block the WP-Admin dashboard for any of the roles …i.e. “subscriber”? If so….then why can my subscribers not access the wp-admin dashboard? I have not hidden it with any plugins or scripts. I have disabled access for subscribers to view the wp-admin, yet when I log in as a subscriber and I enter, they are redirected to the Members Welcome page….so what could it be if not S2 Member blocking clients from accessing wp-admin? |