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Alec Weekes

My Latest Replies (From Various Topics)

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Posted: Wednesday Jan 23rd, 2013 at 2:44 pm #39213

Hey Micheal,

We’re aware we can do this fine with a one-time payment, we currently use this model for other parts of our company, but we’re looking to launch a course system, where you pay a monthly fee to be on the course.

Now, I don’t have a major issue because people have two separate recurring payments isn’t unmanageable, but we’re looking at having around 4 – 6 courses minimum by the launch of the “university” and we’re looking to expand that.

We also want the ability for people to drop and start new courses when they please, through a really easy to use interface we’ve built. The problem is, if someone over time adds all the courses to their account, that is going to be a lot of subscriptions being processed, when it would be easier to have it update into one manageable monthly payment.

We could manually do this of course, but that would be impossible considering the amount of people we’ve already got excited about joining onto the programme.

Posted: Wednesday Jan 23rd, 2013 at 1:50 pm #39195

Just so I can clarify what you’re after;

You’re looking for a way to have users log in before they can see the restricted content, and once logged in are redirected back to the page they were on?

Posted: Wednesday Jan 23rd, 2013 at 6:01 am #39150
Posted: Tuesday Jan 22nd, 2013 at 6:36 pm #39012

Hello rpvp,

I notice that the URL it generates is incredibly long, is this something you’re had generated by s2Member or is it something you’ve manually built?

Other then that, there is little reason for the page to load slowly. All my tests come back time and time again showing it is a fast loading page, and in different browsers.

Posted: Tuesday Jan 22nd, 2013 at 4:18 pm #39001

If it is solely that page, then something isn’t quite right.

What page is it, if you don’t mind me asking? I could investigate.

Posted: Tuesday Jan 22nd, 2013 at 1:57 pm #38993

Glad you found your solution Alex!

Posted: Tuesday Jan 22nd, 2013 at 1:48 pm #38990

I’ve edited my original response with stuff to consider. Let me know if this fixes your issue.

Posted: Tuesday Jan 22nd, 2013 at 1:37 pm #38985


I’ve tried this myself and I can see exactly what you mean as I get the same error myself. Something is clearly wrong as there are values for A3, P3 & T3.

Could you try using the Shortcode it generates instead of the Form? That should also fix the large gap between the PayPal buttons as well.

  • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by  Alec Weekes.
Posted: Tuesday Jan 22nd, 2013 at 8:40 am #38946

Hello David,

Can you confirm if you’re trying to use this code:

  • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by  Alec Weekes.
Posted: Tuesday Jan 22nd, 2013 at 8:36 am #38945

Greetings Alex,

Your issue with the PayPal Payment is likely to be a configuration error. Triple check your PayPal settings, and if the issue persists I’ll be more then happy to test this myself.

Regarding your concern with the gap between the text and the button, I can see that this is in fact due to CSS. Using the Firebug Tool (A plugin for Firefox) I can see that you have padding on both the bottom of the text, and the top of the button. Simply locate where this CSS is coded, and make the changes needed.

Be aware, these may be global CSS components. Changing it may interfere with your entire site. Personally, the gap doesn’t look odd. It is a nice break from the text.

Posted: Monday Jan 21st, 2013 at 8:53 am #38578

If you used his version of s2Member (Multisite / Unlimited License) then you’re more then likely going to need to re-create the entire setup.

Is contacting the developer totally out of the question?

Posted: Sunday Jan 20th, 2013 at 1:33 pm #38435

Hello Elizabeth,

We operate a similar function, where we have built an account dashboard for subscribed users to manage their accounts, such as resetting their password, viewing their current subscription level and downloading all their available products.

What we use a lot are the Conditional Else If statements to produce these systems.

Essentially what you’re going to want to do (I believe) is have an If Statement, that displays the content to paid members, and redirects everyone else away from the page.


	Use this part of the code, to display anything you want to people who are paid subscribers of your site. 

<?php } else if(S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_ACCESS_LEVEL === 0){ ?>

    	<?php wp_redirect( '', 301 ); exit; ?>
    	# Use this to redirect anyone who is logged in, but not a paid member away from the page, to #
<?php } else if(S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_ACCESS_LEVEL === -1){ ?>

    	<?php wp_redirect( '', 301 ); exit; ?>
    	# Use this to redirect anyone who is not logged in away from the page, to #
<?php } ?>
  • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by  Alec Weekes.
Posted: Sunday Jan 20th, 2013 at 1:26 pm #38433
Posted: Sunday Jan 20th, 2013 at 1:03 pm #38427

Threads often need to be locked, to stop them being derailed.

If the person who asked for help has been assisted, the thread has run its course. Nothing is stopping people from starting their own support thread.

Posted: Sunday Jan 20th, 2013 at 12:21 pm #38421

To clarify; Your members are being sent to the wrong page upon login, despite s2Member setting it to another page?

If this is the case, there is most likely a conflicting plugin, something that interacts with logins. Try disabling your plugins, and seeing if it works, if not, let me know.

Posted: Sunday Jan 20th, 2013 at 12:20 pm #38419

I didn’t understand the settings, as it all seems to refer to the number of IP addresses per customer, whereas what I needed was the number of customers per IP address. I’ve set it to ‘Allow Infinite IPs’, and this has worked.

I’m glad it worked. I wouldn’t however set it to infinite, as that could leave open a whole host of issues.

Think about what sort of customers you have, and where they may be logging in from. With our company, people have access to log in from their Phone, Work & Home. We therefor give a rather lenient 10 I.P. access points before they’re restircted.

Remember also, that only the offending IP will be punished, not the account.

Posted: Sunday Jan 20th, 2013 at 9:24 am #38409

Greetings Alex,

The button that is used by default when generating a PayPal Button is just like any other button / image, and so you can change that!

In the short code, you should see an part of the code like this:

[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="1" [...] image="default" /]

You can change that image to any image location on your server, so you could put something like this:

[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="1" [...] image="" /]

This should change your button from the default PayPal button, to whatever you’ve designed upgrade.png (in this example) to be!

Posted: Sunday Jan 20th, 2013 at 9:20 am #38408

Greetings Elizabeth,

You can edit the Unique I.P. Access Restrictions from the s2Member Dashboard.

s2Member > Restriction Options > Unique IP Access Restrictions
Posted: Sunday Jan 20th, 2013 at 9:17 am #38407

Good morning Elizabeth,

Teaching yourself any coding language takes time, so don’t feel the need to rush into it. Learning one language though, really helps you understand them all, as the theory behind them is almost identical, but the implementation is different.

As for the code, you can either build a whole new WordPress Php Template for the Welcome / Login Page specifically, or you can use a plugin to allow PHP to work from the Post / Page Visual Editor.

Check out this plugin:

This’ll allow you to put the code above, into any page or post. Simply put it in place of your current unsubscribe button. If you have any issues with the code, let me know and i’ll do testing and debugging on my website to assist you.

Posted: Saturday Jan 19th, 2013 at 5:49 pm #38344

Greetings Elizabeth,

Offering an unsubscribe button for your members is a good practise, and many members may choose to leave your membership services, and won’t have any hard feelings if you’ve made the process simple and easy to do!

That said, your current system will show the unsubscribe button to everyone, and that isn’t the ideal thing to do. People who are not subscribed may click the button, and be presented with a whole load of errors, or taken to a series of pages that are not relevant to them at all!

This’ll make the user feel as if the site is unreliable and isn’t fit for purpose, which is obviously off putting. The best thing to do is to protect content, and ensure it is displayed to the correct people, and you can do this easily with PHP Else If Conditionals.

Here is a sample code.

    [Place Unsubscribe Button Here]
<?php } else if(S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_ACCESS_LEVEL === 0){ ?>
    Some content for Free Subscribers.
<?php } else if(S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_ACCESS_LEVEL === -1){ ?>
    Some public content.
<?php } ?> 

Allow me to explain what each part does;

    [Place Unsubscribe Button Here]

This will check with your database, the s2Member Installation and other necessary services to see if the user is able to access s2Member Level 1 or higher (Greater then). If they can, it’ll show certain content.

In this case, you’ll place your button here, so that anyone who is Membership Level 1 (or higher) will see the unsubscribe button.

<?php } else if(S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_ACCESS_LEVEL === 0){ ?>
    Some content for Free Subscribers.
<?php } else if(S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_ACCESS_LEVEL === -1){ ?>
    Some public content.
<?php } ?> 

Exactly the same as above, it’ll check the systems you have in place, and if the person matches the information, it’ll show the content they’re designed to see.

You could add a WP_Redirect into the Public Content Section so that they’re redirected away from the Welcome Page, or you could have some marketing blurb about joining your membership club.

With the Free Subscribers section, you could do some marketing about why they should join your membership club, along with a button to do so.

Using this system, you’ll be able to target content specifically to people based on their level, along with many other factors, when coded correctly.

I hope this has helped!

Posted: Thursday Jan 17th, 2013 at 7:01 pm #37971

Update: I’ve found something that might also be of help to you.

PayPal Services Comparison:

Research your options within there, and look into PayPal. I know for example, that the UK based Premium Services is actually free, despite the article claiming it costs a monthly fee.

I hope you find what you’re looking for!

Posted: Thursday Jan 17th, 2013 at 6:56 pm #37970

Sorry, but I don’t quite understand what the issue is.

Are people able to see content they shouldn’t be able to see? Are you looking for a way to block certain content, unless they’ve been given permission to (either Manually, or by Payment)?

Posted: Thursday Jan 17th, 2013 at 6:50 pm #37968

Hello Minna,

I’m looking into this myself for our membership system, and I have come across the following topic:

I hope that helps you!

Posted: Thursday Jan 17th, 2013 at 6:44 pm #37966

Have you looked into PayPal Express Checkout? I’m not certain if it is available in the United States, but here in the U.K. we have three PayPal services available to us. You can see them here, for reference:

So the question is whether, on the S2Member side, there is any setting that allows these “subscriptions” to be treated as something else… or whether there is any other way, via programming rather than changing our PayPal account type… to get around this.

Not as far as I am aware. The issue is that s2Member is reading your PayPal Account information (That you’ve provided) and acknowledging the services that PayPal provides with that. It would be impossible for s2Member to force Credit / Debit Card Payments unless your PayPal account did also.

Posted: Thursday Jan 17th, 2013 at 6:33 pm #37962

As far as I am aware (and I hope someone will correct me if I am wrong) this is because the version of PayPal you’re using.

PayPal is very confusing, as over the years they have renamed, launched and edited many of their services, but if you’re using PayPal Standard, the only method of doing subscriptions or purchases, is with a PayPal Account.

However, there are two other methods:

PayPal Express Checkout (Free*)

PayPal Express Checkout allows users to make payments without the need for a PayPal account. Users (or clients) are able to make payments for whatever services you offer, including one-off payments, or even subscriptions with their Debit / Credit Cards or PayPal account.

The main limitation here is that you’ll be sending your customers off your website, although you didn’t raise that as a concern, I assume that isn’t an issue for you.

PayPal Pro (£20 a Month*) – Requires S2Member Pro

PayPal Pro lets you accept payments in the exact same fashion as above, but you’re able to take these payments on your website instead. Research has shown time and again that people are more likely to spend if they don’t need to leave your website to make the payment.

However, in order to accept PayPal Pro Payments on your website, you’ll also need a Dedicated SSL Certificate on your Domain, and to protect the pages you use to accept payment.

SSL Certificates can be cheap, but some hosting providers do not allow you to have one on shared hosting, and you might need a VPS / Dedicated Hosting Package. Check with your host to see about SSL Certificates.

*All PayPal Versions take a small transaction fee, dependant on the amount in your account. See your localised PayPal Website for more details.

Please Note; PayPal has a very confusing set of services. Triple check what you’re using, and what you plan to upgrade to, and ensure you’re on the right localised version.

  • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by  Alec Weekes.
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