just want to ask if there is a answer to this question ?
is this also possible with the Pro Form ?
Thanks —–
Found it , thank you :)
Thanks Christian,
I will give iDevAffiliate a try.
Thanks for recommending.
Hi, did you managed to get the both plugins work together?
thanks for the hint. Actually i am working with a child theme and did put the file in the Child Theme Folder, which does not work.
The File must be put in that case in the main theme folder.
Now it works
thanks for the answer,
I took the
an altered the line
<input type="text" aria-required="true" data-expected="email" maxlength="100" autocomplete="off" name="s2member_pro_paypal_checkout[email]" id="s2member-pro-paypal-checkout-email" class="s2member-pro-paypal-email s2member-pro-paypal-checkout-email" value="HERESHOULDGO@THE.EMAIL" tabindex="30" />
renamed the file to paypal-checkout-form_1.php
placed the file it into the template directory of my wordpress installation
and called it with
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level="1" .......... template="paypal-checkout-form_1.php" ........]<BR>
But the Form still shows up with an empty email field ?
What do I wrong ?
With the new Update, this thread can be marked as solved.
(s2Member/s2Member Pro) Feature Enhancement/Emails Adding support for PHP tags in the following emails: New User Notification, Administrative New User Notification, Signup Confirmation Email, Specific Post/Page Confirmation Email. See the relevant sections in your Dashboard for further details. Such as: s2Member® -› General Options -› Email Configuration and s2Member® -› PayPal® Options -› Signup Confirmation Email.
Thanks a lot for keeping up the great work!
One last question. Is there a way to test the email funcuntion, f.ex. trigger the emails to let them send to a specific email (admin)
Dear Jason,
thanks for the Update today.
(s2Member/s2Member Pro) Feature Enhancement/Shortcodes (Issue #23) Adding support for the lang=”” Attribute in PayPal Buttons, PayPal Pro Forms, and in Google Checkout Buttons. This is a bit different from the existing lc=”” value. The lc=”” value controls the interface at PayPal, while the lang=”” value controls the language of the Standard and/or Express Checkout Button itself (with respect to s2Member®). For further details, please see: Dashboard -› PayPal Buttons (or Pro Forms) -› Shortcode Attributes (Explained).
It is tested and works fine, THANKS A LOT !
Have a great day.
Hi Eduan,
that is the Problem, the translation File, which is part of s2member does not reflect the part in the PHP File.
But the translation file comes with s2member snd if you not change it in the source (translation / or PHP File) no one can translate that part.
Have a great day.
Absolut fine !
Gracias Eduan.
I have the same Problem and could not figure out how to set up a multilanguange version.
Even if you have a blank german WP-installation, the User Emails goes out in english even if you translate it in the .po .mo file.
I wish the developers would give us some more help. It would be easy for them to put a section with all Mails which are going out, into the admin panel, in that way the user would have more possibilities to alter this Email content and in a Multisite Environment it would be easy to set up a Multilanguage website with s2member.
Keep up the good work!
Found it.
in the paypal-checkout-form.php
line 69 must be changed from
<span><?php echo _x ("Username (lowercase letters and/or numbers)", "s2member-front", "s2member"); ?> *</span><br />
<span><?php echo _x ("Username ( lowercase letters and/or numbers )", "s2member-front", "s2member"); ?> *</span><br />
Then it works again ;)
Can you please change that in the source files, so this will not pop up in every update.
Hi Bruce,
I use the following plugin
Should i change to another?
I do not get the hint why I should change the template, how would that solve the Problem?
I did tried for several days, and it does not work, I still get english emails.
The file resides in
Content of the file
// Customize and translate the subject line.
add_filter('ws_plugin__s2member_signup_email_sbj', 'my_signup_sbj', 10, 2);
function my_signup_sbj($sbj = '', $vars = array())
$paypal = $vars['paypal'];
if(WPLANG === 'de_DE')
return 'Ihr Mitgliedschaft wurde bestätigt';
// Customize and translate the message body.
add_filter('ws_plugin__s2member_signup_email_msg', 'my_signup_msg', 10, 2);
function my_signup_msg($msg = '', $vars = array())
$paypal = $vars['paypal'];
if(WPLANG === 'de_DE')
return '
Danke $paypal['first_name']! Ihre Mitgliedschaft für wurde bestätigt.\n
Ihre Mitgliedschafts. Nr.: $paypal['subscr_id']
Heute bezahlt: € paypal['initial']\n
Ihr Benutzername und Passwird wird Ihnen mit einer separaten Email zugesendet. Sollten noch irgendwelche Fragen offen sein, kontakten Sie uns bitte über$
Viele Grüße,\n
Ihr Service Team von \n
Found the solution myself.
Always look that the translation files have the sufficient rights so apache can pick them up :)
Dear Christian,
I does not care if they are critical, it is a notice for a bug in the code and that should be fixed.
When I get in my car and there is a light for service, it might not be critical, but I like to get it fixed?
As we move the installation to productive Server now, there is no cache plugin installed yet, but we still receive the following message.
Undefined variable: cache_needs_updating in /home/xxxx/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/s2member/includes/classes/cache.inc.php on line 97
and additional in the Admin area.
Notice: Undefined index: page in /home/xxxx/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/s2member/includes/classes/admin-notices.inc.php on line 136
Notice: Undefined index: page in /home/xxxx/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/s2member/includes/classes/admin-notices.inc.php on line 136
Notice: Undefined index: page in /home/xxxx/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/s2member/includes/classes/admin-notices.inc.php on line 136
Notice: Undefined index: page in /home/xxxx/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/s2member/includes/classes/admin-notices.inc.php on line 136
Notice: Undefined index: page in /home/xxxx/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/s2member/includes/classes/admin-notices.inc.php on line 136
Notice: Undefined index: page in /home/xxxx/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/s2member/includes/classes/admin-notices.inc.php on line 136
Further please advice which Plugin for caching is recommended for s2member.
AGAIN, Thank you guys for your great work!
OK, lets start over .
File is called
Its rights 664
the original code from Jason with the “de_DE”
add_filter('gettext_with_context', 'my_translator', 10, 4);
function my_translator($translated, $original, $context, $domain) {
//if ($domain === 's2member' && $context === 's2member-front paypal-button-lang-code' && $original === 'en_US')
if ($domain === 's2member' && $original === 'en_US')
$translated = 'de_DE';
return $translated;
Still gives us the
<input id="s2member-pro-paypal-checkout-submit" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_xpressCheckout.gif" class="s2member-pro-paypal-submit s2member-pro-paypal-checkout-submit" value="Submit Form" tabindex="600" type="image">
Dear Christian,
I am aware that this is out of range of the Service Agreement and I really appreciate that you are helping with that.
As Jason already told, he sees also that this is a key feature and should be supported by the software, therefore I would be very thankful if we can solve that together and give the rest of the community the possibility to find a solution here.
The Output of
“de” “es” “en” depending on the language is selected.
Now I tried
add_filter('gettext_with_context', 'my_translator', 10, 4);
function my_translator($translated, $original, $context, $domain) {
if ($domain === 's2member' && $original === 'en_US') {
$lang_prv = qtrans_getLanguage();
if($lang_prv == 'de')
$translated = 'de_DE';
if($lang_prv == 'es')
$translated = 'es_ES';
return 'de_DE';
But I still get
<input class="s2member-pro-paypal-submit s2member-pro-paypal-checkout-submit" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_xpressCheckout.gif" id="s2member-pro-paypal-checkout-submit" value="Submit Form" tabindex="600" type="image">
both are not working.
Thanks a lot for your efforts, maybe some core developer can have a look at this issue.
I changed, cleared all caches. Does not work at all.
As this part is called from
I deleted
<!-- -->
it there and is not showing up anymore in the sourcecode.
Not elegant but effective.
Can you define the term “many hours” a bit more precise with the definition of task that I gave in my first post and is there a Job market for s2member developers?
I do understand that you do not Support this, but there should be a possibility for every user / customer to extend a nice Framework like s2member to new levels. When such gateways become available, it would be also a Door opener for s2member in new markets esp. for Europe where S2member is still kind of limited in language and payment options.
Thanks Bruce,
Is there a manual for generating a own Payment gateway which we can hook into te paypal pro form?
Do you know how many hours would that be to code that (to get a feeling what i could pay for a freelancer doing that) ?
I did, doesnt change anything.
Still is showing up en source code if enabled or disabled.