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Posted: Friday May 31st, 2013 at 9:12 am #51041
Username: kerrylov

Thanks for taking the time to look through everything Jason. Since this has been reported I haven’t seen it happen again. When we first put the site up we carried a few people over setting up an ARB subscription and then manually adding that information into the site. Those accounts seem to be the ones we had an issue with. Weird – guess Auth didn’t like me doing that?

Either way, I have been keeping a very keen eye on it the past couple of weeks and it hasn’t shown back up. I’ve also edit that shortcode in hopes that may eliminate future issues. As usual thanks for the help guys I really appreciate it!


Posted: Thursday May 16th, 2013 at 10:23 am #50073
Username: kerrylov

Here is the shortcode I’m using for the form.

[s2Member-Pro-AuthNet-Form level="2" ccaps="" desc="$99.00 USD / Monthly (recurring charge, for ongoing access)" cc="USD" custom="" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="99.00" rp="1" rt="M" rr="1" rrt="" accept="visa,mastercard,amex,discover" coupon="" accept_coupons="1" default_country_code="US" captcha="0" template="authnet-checkout-mod.php" success=""/]

The only cancel I can find in the api log was this:

LOG ENTRY: Wed May 1st, 2013 @ precisely 10:21 pm UTC
PHP v5.2.17 :: WordPress® v3.5.1 :: s2Member® v130406 :: s2Member® Pro v130406
Memory 16.90 MB :: Real Memory 17.25 MB :: Peak Memory 16.95 MB :: Real Peak Memory 17.25 MB
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0)
-------- Input vars: ( Wed May 1, 2013 10:21:28 pm UTC ) --------
array (
  'x_method' => 'cancel',
  'x_subscription_id' => '5206942220',
  'x_login' => 'xxxxxxxx/key/tran',
  'x_tran_key' => 'xxxxxxxx/key/tran',
  'x_invoice_num' => '',
  'x_description' => '',
-------- Output string/vars: ( Wed May 1, 2013 10:21:28 pm UTC ) --------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><ARBCancelSubscriptionResponse xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd"><messages><resultCode>Error</resultCode><message><code>E00013

Subscription ID is invalid.
array (
‘response_reason_code’ => ‘E00013’,
‘response_code’ => ‘E00013’,
‘response_reason_text’ => ‘Subscription ID is invalid.’,
‘response_text’ => ‘Subscription ID is invalid.’,
‘__error’ => ‘Error #E00013. Subscription ID is invalid.’,

Not even sure where it got that ID from. However I’ve had multiple people who have had this happen. I could probably provide you an account to the site – how would you want me to get that to you?

Posted: Wednesday May 15th, 2013 at 9:26 am #50014
Username: kerrylov

Well I assumed it would cancel it upon checkout or possibly at the start of the new one but wasn’t sure. If it’s supposed to be doing it immediately on checkout it’s not for me. It is setting the new ARB ID a month ahead so that part is working correctly. However I have one client who’s ID is 16444286 with a date of 4/8/2013 originally. He checked out again and his new ID is 16754989 with a date of 5/8/2013 and the old ID has no expiration date setup and is still marked “Active” on’s website. Both of which went through my system with him logged in.

I have went through and cancelled the others to insure nobody gets double charged. Do you have any idea where to start on troubleshooting this issue? Would my silent post url have anything to do with it?

Thanks for the help I really appreciate it – seems I get everything like I like it then I find something else. ;-/ Getting slightly frustrated on this issue however as it doesn’t seem to stem from any one thing.

Thanks again Jason and Cristian.


Posted: Monday May 13th, 2013 at 4:28 pm #49865
Username: kerrylov

Thanks for the feedback Jason. The only question I really have remaining is the cancellation of the ARB ID. Inside the customers still don’t have end dates filled in with So when does S2 cancel it at the end of their subscriptions? As I see it happening right now come next month they will have two arb recurring charges since neither of them have end dates on them with auth or my site? That’s what is throwing me for a loop.

The clients were logged into the site when they checked out the second membership hence the:

“Paid Subscr. ID @ time of demotion: authnet -› 16429099”

added to the notes section of their accounts. Meanwhile inside the old transaction is, in this example “16429099” does not have an end date specified. So I’m not sure where / how the cancellation happens and I don’t want to see some of these people get double billed considering the amount of money involved.

Thanks for any insight that may let my light switch click on here.


Posted: Monday May 13th, 2013 at 9:15 am #49814
Username: kerrylov

We have several different subscriptions. The break down is like this:

  1. Monthly no ccap non-recurring
  2. Monthly ccap recurring
  3. Yearly


It’s fine it it adds a new subscription and will work out perfect for us because it does set the start date with out another full month which is what I would expect. However it doesn’t put a cancellation date etc in with auth which sort of leaves me out in the wet here.

I would appreciate some feedback from Jason, there may be something I’ve done wrong here and I just need this to be as hands off as possible as we are trying to move away from a hands on paypal setup now hah!

Thanks a lot for the help Cristian, just have the boss stressing if you know what I mean.

Posted: Friday May 10th, 2013 at 9:21 am #49687
Username: kerrylov

It’s been 4 days guys do we have any advice, any clues? I now have clients and a boss breathing down my neck for an answer. Logs were sent in on the 7th. I’m at a loss and would rather not have to manually manage my members and their payments.

Posted: Thursday May 9th, 2013 at 10:32 am #49587
Username: kerrylov

Have 5 people like this now. Not sure if it’s double billing them or not. Start dates seem right and S2 has a “at time of demotion id #xxxxx” setup in their notes on my site, however there are no end dates put into the ARB system! I really need to make sure this isn’t going to double bill, as in the example in june, because there is a good sum of money for some of these people in each transaction and we can potentially lose clients.

Posted: Wednesday May 8th, 2013 at 9:15 am #49480
Username: kerrylov

Just an update. I had a second client do it this morning again! In’s arb status I have noticed on thing however.

Old subscription ID:
Start Date: 05/08/2013
Completed payments 1

New subscription ID:
Start Date: 06/07/2013
Completed payments 0

There are no EOT times for either since they are recurring, but will the old account turn off at the end of the month or will he start having two recurring payments coming through for his membership level? (This is not a capability purchase)

Posted: Tuesday May 7th, 2013 at 9:22 am #49364
Username: kerrylov

*Logs files sent via the contact form.* (scrubbed down to this month user name in question is “Javier Jane” on May 5th and 6th.)

Yes the user had already paid through and these transaction where separate. The ccap is sold with a subscription however I’m exchanging capability with subscription, sorry. The user ended up being assigned two ARB ID numbers with Auth instead of extending. Maybe my thinking is off?

If I understand correctly there is no way for them to pay and extend a currently running membership? If not that explains what’s happening I think.

Posted: Wednesday May 1st, 2013 at 11:20 am #48924
Username: kerrylov

Bruce thanks for the pointers once again. Now just to get it all tacked together and working! lol Thanks again!


Posted: Monday Apr 29th, 2013 at 2:35 pm #48661
Username: kerrylov

Is there anyways to get the last payment date? Possibly something from the “wp_s2member_paid_registration_times” meta data(which is serialized)? Essentially I need something I can run to create a report on what amounts should be coming in per month etc etc.

I’m setting up the notifications as your walk through shows so it’s already adding an EOT notify date. Could possibly work off that if nothing else is available and possibly already in place somewhere.

Thanks again Bruce ;-)

Posted: Friday Apr 12th, 2013 at 9:04 am #47308
Username: kerrylov

Awesome as usual you guys are spot on with advice and timely with it.

Posted: Thursday Apr 11th, 2013 at 9:07 am #47190
Username: kerrylov

Thanks for responding Bruce. However that doesn’t answer the question. I think I may have worded it wrong. Essentially they are repurchasing the CCAP, the same one, more than once. What will happen if they do that? Or will it kick it back and say they already have the CCAP?

Posted: Tuesday Apr 2nd, 2013 at 9:34 am #46379
Username: kerrylov

Thanks again Cristian, you’ve been a ton of help giving me pointers in the right direction while pushing the site live! I think that’s the last “bug” of the payment system I’ve had to work out and none of them have been on the S2 side of things – so very happy. ;-)

For anyone who finds this in the future reference this post to modify and save the template so it survives S2Member updates:

Make sure you’re new template file goes into either the wp-content folder or directly into your theme’s folder – Jason Caldwell has this to say on the matter as well if you find your template doing something weird.

Jason Caldwell said:

Pro Form templates can appear in the following locations represented by WordPress PHP Constants.


If a template exists in both locations, the template inside WP_CONTENT_DIR will be used, as it has the highest precedence.

Example: /wp-content/themes/my-theme/paypal-checkout-form.php
Example: /wp-content/paypal-checkout-form.php

Hope this saves someone some time!

Posted: Tuesday Mar 26th, 2013 at 11:57 am #45794
Username: kerrylov

Ok thanks for the fast response Cristian it’s very much appreciated. So fingers crossed!

Posted: Tuesday Mar 26th, 2013 at 10:13 am #45759
Username: kerrylov

Hi Cristian, thanks for your reply. No I have it in live mode however with my account I have is in test mode to keep from doing any live transactions since most of mine are $99+ . I could run a live test with a 1 cent transaction but am trying to stay away from that.

I assume it’s safe to say if it worked fine with my developer credentials it should be fine with a live account correct? I know it’s talking to because I get the emails that a transaction went through but on the page S2 is giving me the error from the first message which isn’t exactly the result I would expect.

Posted: Wednesday Dec 5th, 2012 at 9:08 am #33553
Username: kerrylov

Jason thanks for your reply. Merchant Solutions has apparently bought out Tsys/Vital and we use them for manual processing/our bank and for our CC processing online. I’m still not sure what the deal with it was – apparently they either looked you up and saw the items or they saw that you don’t store information locally, which I believe was it, but they gave us our VAR sheets and seal of approval yesterday.

Thanks for looking it up – I’ve only ever did business with Auth so when he asked about that it threw me for a loop! As far as my PCI compliance that’s already been taken care of with the other website I had developed, I still need to take care of it with this system but that isn’t an issue – thanks for the offer to help however. I don’t think I’m going out on a limb here to say this; but compared to the guys at some alternatives I’ve tried you guys are the very top notch in ever respect, especially on the support side.

Thanks Jason. (Thanks Eduan too!)

Now back to coding for me!

Posted: Monday Dec 3rd, 2012 at 12:12 pm #33318
Username: kerrylov

Yeah Eduan I believe that’s it. I’m not sure why they asked me if the “shopping cart system” was Tsys compliant but they wanted to know. I hope it’s just an overzealous salesman trying to get as much information as possible. But I figured if he asked I may need to know the answer.

I looked everywhere I could and couldn’t find anything – Jason would probably be one of the few that could answer this from what I’m seeing. ;-)

Thanks again Eduan.

Posted: Friday Aug 10th, 2012 at 10:08 am #21711
Username: kerrylov

Yeah that’s what I was afraid of, thanks Cristian. (That was the post I was talking about speaking greek ;p)

Posted: Thursday Aug 9th, 2012 at 3:14 pm #21652
Username: kerrylov

Thanks Raam, I have a knowledge of php. However I have yet to find anywhere about integrating a custom gateway. Essentially its the Merchant Solutions(direct) gateway. I got this entire site done for the boss to let me know he doesn’t want to use…..

I was hoping maybe you guys had a tutorial or walk through on what files need to be added/modified etc. to put in a custom gateway. Without this I’m going to have to recode 3/4 of this site which I’m not too excited about. ;/

Posted: Friday Apr 27th, 2012 at 9:16 am #12043
Username: kerrylov

Ok thank Cristian. Glad to hear you guys are in the middle of a functionality at a base level rewrite. What you have no is pretty powerful but missing in some basic aspects like this. So thanks for the heads up, time to write code again today.

Posted: Monday Apr 16th, 2012 at 2:23 pm #10910
Username: kerrylov

Just an update I think I’ve narrowed this down to being an issue with’s Silent Post Integration. Is there anyway to not require that on local host? IE my webhost is out in the ether of the internet however I’m developing on a address which will not be the final server.

I’m at my wits end on this one.

Wow, ok officially mark this as a Monday at the office. Heh. I got it working I had my login name for my sandbox account in on the API Login ID in the settings instead of the API Login ID. Wow, working now!

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by  Luke.
  • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by  Luke.
  • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by  Luke.
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