latest stable versions: v150827 (changelog)

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About: bob mane

Sorry, I've not written a description yet. I'll get to it soon!

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Posted: Saturday Jun 9th, 2012 at 10:54 pm #16099
bob mane
Username: bobmane

sounds good Jason. i do know that a big update everyone is waiting for is JW Player who is said to be supporting HLS for iOS in next release. I guess the switching and HTTP playback can be passed off to the native iOS player now but requires some tricky js whereas would be more built in when JW is updated.

Wowza is said to be a great server but it is expensive plus requires overhead to learn, config and run. but I’ll leave the final word on that to . Dr. Byte! My hope is that with the upcoming JW even folks who might not be up for the full blown streaming server thing could still serve RTMP to web and HLS to iOS. i’ll post back asap.

Posted: Saturday Jun 9th, 2012 at 10:42 pm #16097
bob mane
Username: bobmane

many thanks…i got the new one..must have been some weird email thing.

Posted: Friday Jun 8th, 2012 at 4:15 pm #15957
bob mane
Username: bobmane

unless i am mistaken it did not come (not even to spam)

Posted: Friday Jun 8th, 2012 at 2:46 am #15905
bob mane
Username: bobmane

OK many thanks for the feedback Jason. I am definitely looking into it.

Posted: Thursday Jun 7th, 2012 at 1:40 pm #15814
bob mane
Username: bobmane

By default, s2Member sends a confirmation email. Please see Dashboard -› s2Member® -› PayPal® Options -› Signup Confirmation Email.

so why did i not get one from you when i bought s2 pro?

Posted: Thursday Jun 7th, 2012 at 1:04 pm #15807
bob mane
Username: bobmane

If you’re using s2Member Pro-Forms with a PayPal Express account that also allows buyers to pay without a PayPal account, it works the same way from s2Member’s perspective. The user clicks the Checkout with PayPal button on the s2Member Pro-Form and gets redirected to PayPal. Once on PayPal, the user can either login with the PayPal account or click the “Don’t have a PayPal account?” button to pay with a credit card on PayPal’s website. (If you have PayPal Pro instead of PayPal Express, the user can pay with a credit card on your site.)

ok this is important because it could save me 60 a month to paypal. if i can use the pro forms, use buttons, sell subscriptions , membership and do them recurring and one time + use conditionals it doesn’t sound woth 60 a month for pro + pro recurring to pp

If you’re not using PayPal Pro, you shouldn’t be showing the credit card options on the Pro-Forms

then we should have option to show user that they will be able to use cc once on pp (a simple multi-cc + pp image)
gow to swap images on forms?

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  bob mane.
Posted: Wednesday Jun 6th, 2012 at 7:39 pm #15729
bob mane
Username: bobmane

hey, not trying to hijack but did not see way to msg other users so… i have post up bout video becasue Secure Multi-Protocal to Multi-device is my goal in using wp/s2:

I like the prospects i see with the security features on offer with S2 but I do not have any solutions in place yet. But even though it looks like you are allowing downloads (i am not – just streaming) you are getting at the heart of the matter, switching and serving HLS

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  bob mane.
Posted: Wednesday Jun 6th, 2012 at 1:34 pm #15702
bob mane
Username: bobmane

for example, i just upgraded to S2 pro on this website and i got only an email from paypal ….normally i would get an email from the website too + it was not obvious where to get my pro content (if i were a new user).

is that normal or can it be made to send confirmation email too?

can it be made to list url links in the user account to each access point the user is allowed to?

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  bob mane.
  • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  bob mane.
Posted: Wednesday Jun 6th, 2012 at 8:18 am #15679
bob mane
Username: bobmane

i assume there are two ways to go then?

1) with PayPal Express

buttons for subscriptions or memberships
only way to sell subscriptions to pages unless paying PayPal an extra 60 a month

2) with PayPal Pro

cc on site
memberships only if paying PayPal 30 a month
memberships and subscriptions only if paying PayPal an 30 + 30 a month
no buttons available unless buttons are Express

can you please point me to live sites or live demos that have each method so I can better understand it?

and in any case, S2member has:

no multi-purchases
no PayPal cart
no simple faux cart
no form that can list multiple items before checkout
no user account page of any kind

where are the PayPal forms in free S2?
where are the PayPal forms in Pro S2?

Posted: Tuesday Jun 5th, 2012 at 1:22 pm #15551
bob mane
Username: bobmane

PayPal Pro nor the PayPal Pro Recurring package is required

good to know, i have PayPal Pro Recurring package turned on right now and have never even been able to figure our how to use it! but i use PayPal Pro in magneto for its stated value prop (users can stay on site + use credit cards) so what is the value of using it with S2

There is no “auto-renew” with Buy Now transactions. Buy Now transactions are one-time purchases, however you can sell a one-time purchase that provides access for a length of time (e.g., $10 for 6 months of access).

when i here Buy Now i think of the old PayPal buttons that you can make on, but you are talking about your own PayPal buttons i assume. what if using PayPal pro, does it get added to the button code?

You can certainly sell as many one-time Buy Now transactions as you’d like, but none of those will be tied to a specific member account. Each would be an individual purchase.

so user buys x for 1 month and y for 2 months >

user logs in with a single login? >

and sees x + y in an account? or just automatically has access to x and y via a url? if not an account, how does user know where x and y urls are? >

after one month expires , user logs and an can only see x?

Posted: Tuesday Jun 5th, 2012 at 12:51 pm #15543
bob mane
Username: bobmane

well right now i have a test install with s2Member and cart66 so i guess it comes down to if i can get S2 stuff to be in the Cart66 cart along with other items…would be nice..cart66 seems like a good one

but really, Im looking for any viable solution if anyone has any ideas.

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  bob mane.
Posted: Tuesday Jun 5th, 2012 at 12:48 pm #15542
bob mane
Username: bobmane

thanks…yes i know how to format…just very new to wp

and I also have that turned off in magneto for same reaosn

Posted: Monday Jun 4th, 2012 at 12:00 pm #15380
bob mane
Username: bobmane

If you want to sell something specific that expires, you’ll need to use the Buy Now buttons to sell specific pages.

which buttons: wp-admin/admin.php?page=ws-plugin–s2member-paypal-buttons

However, those cannot be combined with memberships at this time.

can user buy access to page x for one month and also page y for 6 months each with auto-renew (or not) even if its not called a membership? is there a way to do what I outlined in last and this post using any combination of any of your technology?

is PayPal Pro (30 month) + PayPay Subscriptions Add on (30 month) required for non PayPay Express options

or is something other than PayPal required?

By non-PayPal Express options, I assume you mean accepting credit cards on-site? If so, then no, you must use PayPal Pro to accept credit cards on-site with s2Member Pro. However, instead of using the PayPal payment gateway, you could use or ClickBank or any of the other supported gateways.

yes I am talking about PayPal pro only. but question specific to…do you require PayPal Pro (30 month) + PayPay’s own Subscription Add on (additional 30 month) for Subscriptions / Memberships /recurring to work?

WordPress pages/posts protected with s2Member are secure and cannot be “sniffed out” using Google.

sorry i was not clear. what is the technical definition of hidden? are they just not shown or are they truly only compiled with proper access and therefore do not exist unless authorized by php

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  bob mane.
  • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  bob mane.
Posted: Sunday Jun 3rd, 2012 at 12:10 am #15267
bob mane
Username: bobmane

from what I gathered, the only reason you cant do more with just S3 / CF is becasue Amazon purposely does not upgrade FMS past 3.5 on CF. So to do all the latest FMS stuff (now at FMS 4.5 – with 5 coming soon) you need AWS + EC2 which has newer version of Adobes Solution.

Now I love wowza, but I am not into paying monthly fees just for the fun of it, so its too bad AWS seems to be crippling CF to make people either get AWS / FMS or AWS / Wowza…thereby not only having to pay extra for wowza or FMS but also for EC2

but on to something possibly more useful? Is there any viability to actually using Apples HTTP Live Streaming instead of just disabling HTML5 and Download mode? ( I have been told (until JW updates) you would just have HTTP play in the native player on iOS. the only reason i mention it is becasue i see you are using some keys in mod-rewrite so thought it could somehow work there or elsewhere. yes, wowza can issue keys for HTTP but so can Zencoder

so you would use JW RTMPe for normal web and some detection to serve the alt iOS native player AES encrypted via HTTP

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  bob mane.
  • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  bob mane.
  • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  bob mane.
  • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  bob mane.
Posted: Saturday Jun 2nd, 2012 at 11:25 pm #15265
bob mane
Username: bobmane

any news on wowza? that would do it for me! (if not…what about AWS S3 with EC2 that uses AMS 4.5-5 …the wowza competitor)

by the way …wowza is also on AWS which might help you since you already have done AWS ports

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