OK, I understand.
Can you guys test ccBill and see if any can complete the registration process using ccBill
Thank you
I found this in the URL Approval Page Template under ccBill® Approval/Denial URLs ( required )
Are both suppose to be in there? Paypal and ccbill?
give this
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by DrByte.
Hi Cris,
IPN. I think ccBill updated their system and somehow both sides are not communication as it should be
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by DrByte.
Thanks guys
Well, I had couple of members complaining that after filling the PayPal Pro form and submitting it, it somehow loops back to the top of the form where they have to fill it back again (the form)
I couldn’t duplicate that issue my self…When I asked (country), they both said Australia. So, I gave both a link to a PayPal button (Not the Pro Form) and they both where able to pay and create the membership.
Not sure/
Would be any issue if I have the site on both, W3 Total Cache and Varnish Cache? BTW, no issues with Google Wallet and ccBill
Hi Arthur, glad it’s working for you now..my guess it was the domain DNS Propagation setup was not completed when you were trying to figure it out.
Hi Arthur,
Give Jason some time…he might be busy trying to get an update or new a version of S2.
You might want to try the JW Player Examples in the download section of S2M, just to see if the problem goes away.
Other than that, not sure if your host setup is a mix of www and http. You can’t mix as you will get errors using S2m
Your host server might be limited in memory or it might be miss configured to work correctly with WordPress and S2
I might suggest changing host companies. Never dealt with Bluehost, but been using Certified Hosting Solutions for many years now, they are great and they give you lots of stuff including much more server resources than the others.
When a hosting company advertise (unlimited everything) It does NOT include server resources (CUP, Memory, …)
Plus with Certified Hosting Solutions, you can pay a little extra and get a protection against high server load. Meaning, they will not terminate your account if you go above the limits.
You might also ask the host if the DNS transfer is complete. I keep my domain and hosting apart.
It might be, usually it takes about 24 to 48 hours for the setup to complete. I sujest to wait a day and try again.
He can be reached at http://www.s2member.com/contact/
You are welcome..NP at all
For some reason this works fine:
after reloading the url couple of times
Something wrong with the JW Player Plugin you are using..Did you upgrade it lately? I know they just released a new version..It might be it..Try reloading an older version of this plugin and see if that’s the problem.
If not, then it has to do something with the bluehost config setup. There may be a hook to by-pass some host restrictions. It would be a good idea to email Jason and see what he says. (S2M Support)
This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by DrByte.
I see,
can you check and see if you have .htaccess under the plugin directory /s2member-files
Amazon keys and setup might be fine at AWS side, but It might not be configured correctly at the S2M side. I know AWS gives you 2 access keys..try to generate a new one and used it instead of the old one you have now on your site (S2M setup)
Did you just copy your files/database from GoDaddy to Bluehost as is? I mean by relative path something like this /home/user/www/
Yes, mp3 plays after couple of clicks..But I am sure it has to do with JW Player plugin setup and bluehost. When you just have one mp3 instead of a playlist, will it do the same?
One more thing
is your relative path on the new host the same as the old host?
Ok, Thanks
is giving me 500 server error.
it gives me
The specified key does not exist.Y_Yoga_Movie_640x360.mp4E2F6A81ADFCC88B1ujIUFv0YsU06GdqUI5ss4YHzrca0COdNyCeuCpBVbpCuWWEhVb9Rp2jceiPrAfEb
Make sure you have a valid key
Are you using cloudfront or just S3?
The first error (click couple of times for the movie to start) ..It has to do something with JW Player WordPress Plugin installed.. Try the default player and see if the multi click error gores away.
Here a post that might help you
503: Service Temporarily Unavailable
Too many IP addresses accessing one secure area!
Please contact Support if you need assistance.
Try to clear it
Can you send a link to a page that host one of your media files.
No need to post your .htaccess
Try absolute path to JW Player files
Might not work on some hosting accounts. Try the default.
This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by DrByte.
Check your .htaccess file. There must be something in there that you left behind.
Did you flush the permalinks? Try that..
After upgrading S2m, Advance URL structure in some hosts does not work. Try the default first
Searching your issue, they suggest deactivating your plugins one by one and see if the error goes away. If not then check if your theme is compatible with the new version of WP.
If your host allows you to run PHP scripts and if your host will allow you to install ffmpeg, you can use this script to request any frame of the video file to use as the preview image.
s1.addVariable('image', 'http://my.domain.com/path-to-file/ffmpeg_image.php?file=video.flv&time=00:00:00&browser=false');
// generate a preview image from an FLV file on-the-fly, or to save
// Will - 10-16-07
// call with: ffmpeg_image.php?file=video.flv&time=00:00:05&browser=true
// call with: ffmpeg_image.php?file=video.flv&percent=75.3&browser=true
// no time defaults to "00:00:00" (first frame), no browser defaults to "true"
$videofile = (isset($_GET['file'])) ? strval($_GET['file']) : 'video.flv';
$image = substr($videofile, 0, strlen($videofile) - 4);
// debug (" File: ", $videofile);
// debug (" Image: ", $image);
$time = (isset($_GET['time'])) ? strval($_GET['time']) : '00:00:00';
// check time format
if (!preg_match('/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/', $time))
$time = "00:00:00";
// debug (" Time: ", $time);
if (isset($_GET['percent']))
$percent = $_GET['percent'];
// debug (" Percent: ", $percent);
passthru("ffmpeg.exe -i \"". $videofile . "\" 2>&1");
$duration = ob_get_contents();
// debug ("Duration: ", $duration);
preg_match('/Duration: (.*?),/', $duration, $matches);
$duration = $matches[1];
// debug ("Duration: ", $duration);
$duration_array = split(':', $duration);
$duration = $duration_array[0] * 3600 + $duration_array[1] * 60 + $duration_array[2];
$time = $duration * $percent / 100;
// debug (" Time: ", $time);
$time = intval($time/3600) . ":" . intval(($time-(intval($time/3600)*3600))/60) . ":" . sprintf("%01.3f", ($time-(intval($time/60)*60)));
// debug (" Time: ", $time);
$browser = (isset($_GET['browser'])) ? strval($_GET['browser']) : 'true';
// debug (" Browser: ", $browser);
if ($browser == "true")
header('Content-Type: image/png');
passthru("ffmpeg.exe -vcodec png -i \"" . $videofile . "\" -ss " . $time . " -vframes 1 -f image2 -");
passthru("ffmpeg.exe -vcodec png -i \"" . $videofile . "\" -ss " . $time . " -vframes 1 -f image2 \"" . $image . "\"%d.png");
debug($text1, $text2)
print "<pre>\n";
print $text1 . $text2 . "\n";
print "</pre>\n";
Hi, Don’t forget to buy additional SSL certificate for your CNAMES…otherwise it will not work
Example: https://site.com
and your CNAMES is video.site.com
then you need to buy an additional SSL certificate for video
This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by DrByte.
Hello, nice
Your implementation is pretty good but not 100% secure.
File name:View Video.flv
RMTPE is OK, but there are dozens of software that can bypass it.
Download speed is about 150KB/s. It took .12 seconds to download your demo 1.84MB file.
I think you should allow a download option for something like the training site. Some people might want to take that video when they travel. Like in a hotel training room or so
I think there is an error somewhere too, Advanced Mod-Rewrite Linkage does not work anymore..rolled back to basic download option and it’s working.
Something like this does not work anymore
Thanks Bob
http streaming over SSL is something I think will be from the past. It’s slow and does not work cross browsing. Amazon S3/Cloudfront is a good product but not perfect..YET. (Work in progress)
Anyway, Apple requires more than a standard SSL certificate that comes with a hefty price. NOT Interested at this time. :) So, I did only secure the registration page/admin and dumped SSL for the others.
Now, I have my site streaming on both protocol (rtmp and http) on most devices….. Now, do I worry about people downloading the media? Maybe I should have checked with Youtube before I opened my business….!! Not really. They will take it anyway using a very simple and free software. I literally can download anything Amazon S3/Cloudfront can offer. That’s when S2m comes in…It gives an extra layer of security to insure that not only that person pays but also is legit (Iran, Russia, Romania, China, UAE) Wonderful People. (If you ever wonder about that software, look no further than StreamTransport)
No worry BOB, just open a Youtube channel and some ads….Money Tree.
Perfect, thank you Jason
As Always, the BEST
Hi, the first part which goes into the theme header.php is broken into 3 codes.
To make it easier for you to edit and add later on: Create a new folder under WordPress installation directory:
call it login-popup
create 2 more folders under that: call the first js and the second css
Make sure all these folders have 755 or 777 permission
now, open your theme header.php and add this after the
<head> and before </head> tags
add the below
<script src="http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.2.6.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="http://yoursite.com/login-popup/js/login_popup.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://yoursite.com/login-popup/css/login-popup.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
Download both files here: http://soft-data.s3.amazonaws.com/login-popup.zip
So it will look like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://yoursite.com/login-popup/css/login-popup.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<script src="http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.2.6.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="http://yoursite.com/login-popup/js/login_popup.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
The second code goes anywhere you want in the theme. Since you want to use it in the menu bar, it might be in the herder.php too. or you can use it as is in your sidebar.
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by DrByte.
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by DrByte.
Add this to your function.php file, right on top
function my_function_admin_bar($content) {
return ( current_user_can("administrator") ) ? $content : false;
add_filter( 'show_admin_bar' , 'my_function_admin_bar');