yes. all seems to be updated and in working order though we just were able to update last night. if we have another problem ,we will let you know. fingers crossed that all is good.
i guess somehow something might have gotten corrupted somehow. The issue seems to have been resolved. I had our hosting company revert back to a restore point of a few days ago and now it seems to be working again. We were not able to see the auhorize.net menu at all. We do have the deactivation safeguards enabled.
Yes… new registrations are receiving the email with username/password so we are certain that WP does send emails.
We ran a test with a new user which we have the email for.
For some reason, there is nothing that is happening between Aweber/s2member
Any further insight?
this did not seem to work. is there something that is missing from that code above?
woohoo! rock on. gonna give this a go. Thanks… will report our results.
For future thread readers,
If you do a massive transfer as we did, and have to put in ARB’s manually to start make sure ONLY necessary fields are in the INITIAL ARB. It will cause an update error not an S2 issue, but it will not be seen UNLESS you look at the original ARB set up.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us at MorningCoach.com – S2 Rocks!!!
Jason, and Bruce
Please close – this was a ARB subscription issue on our end. We have resolved the issue.
One things we updated S2 to the current version and we still only have to fields in the state space, we need a few more for our international clients.
Thank you very much guys!!! Great support – took us 4 days but we found the issue!!!
Just sent a support request – we just can’t figure it out – if you can take a look at it that would be great. Sorry for the issues…
Thank you a ton –
Here is what is up –
Right now we are going to do data validation in a few minutes via this link: http://developer.authorize.net/tools/datavalidation/
As soon as we find out why it is sending phone or whatever field we will let you know what the issue is.
This is only occurring on update, and Authorize is telling us it may be another field issue. We only need to update the CC.
As soon as we get this information back and do some work in the next few hours I will post what is
going on and if we need some assistance in the code.
Thanks in advance,
Bruce or Jason,
We really, really need help with this – I have 100 members suspended because they can’t update their cards, and have 5-10 coming tomorrow depending on how many declines we have. Everything else is working great and we have gotten this far. This is our last real issue.
We have been at it for 2 days and cannot find any field in S2 – all we need is the location so we can get it out of the code. Would love to get some support on this. I know you guys are swamped. Just need to know where is this phone field that is throwing off this error.
All the best, and thank you guys in advance,
This issue is only happening on UPDATE CC, not on the initial payment, so Authorize should have no bearing on it, as the initial sign ups are going fine. Our issue is only when someone goes to update a CC. (Thanks for the help)
Here are some pics:
The error

Our set up in Authorize

Again Thank you for the help :)
that seemed to work. We ran a few tests and after about <24 hours after authnet declined them, they were converted to subscriber level.
Now we only need help with one more issue (for now) that is preventing members from updating their billing info.
Thanks Jason!
As soon as you guys can provide any insight would be great, we’ve tried digging through the code but can’t seem to find where this would be. It’s preventing us from allowing users to update their information.
Again just to reiterate, this is specifically for the update billing form using
authnet pro forms and updates for ARB subscriptions.
Thanks again for the great work you do!
Thanks for the quick response. Our values are unchecked for required, just view and edit are checked and we are getting that error.
Could it be another area?
Thank You
OK on it – and thanks so much will report back – :)
We just fixed it last night – close to what you are telling us to do.
Thanks for the help…. we are loading the file into WP for our Jwplayer on site and putting the additional file up in AS3. We may switch to Amazon Cloudfront all the way. But for now this works. I do have to upload the file 2X’s but not a big issue we wrote the php script for mobile to look for the identical file in Amazon S3. (I am not the technical guy, but this is what one of our programmers did).
Bottom line – we have a file in WP that goes to JWplayer for standard computer browsers, and a file in Amazon the JWplayer reads for our mobile JWplayer.
Jason, thanks for your attention to detail here. You guys are great. If a user finds this later and is having the issue we don’t mind sharing what we are doing. If I did not have 1600 audios to upload would go Amazon all the way -For someone just building l would suggest they use Amazon Cloudfront.
We may just do that – we will have a meeting on this tomorrow.
Tomorrow we start on EOT, we have everything running fine, except on decline and expired cards from our initial import. For some reason the ARB is being suspended, but the information is not getting back to S2 member to drop them down in level. We have been working on getting our players working so this was held off till tomorrow, but we may need some support.
Jason, truly awesome support – thank you very much.
Some things we need to find out
1. Does S2 E-mail members letting them know that they have expired CC that needs to be updated, if so when? Does it do it through Aweber?
2. Our current system attempts to charge an expired card 8 days in a row before the account becomes invalid, Can we do the same with S2, if so how do we do that?
3. Does it send a confirmation e-mail that someone is cancelled? How do we know? Do we get an e-mail too?
Look forward to hearing from you soon, thanks.
Thanks A LOT – awesome support, we are putting our plan in place……
We may have a few more questions……
You guys rock!!!
Thank you, we are currently running a custom script – it charges the Auth.net ID on the date that it is due, so you called it. OK, got it.
Now, if the user already has a subscription running at Authorize.Net, what you can do is add Authorize.Net as the gateway and his subscr. ID to his profile. You can do that editing the profile manually, or with the Import tool if you use that to migrate the users or update them in bulk. Dashboard -› s2Member® -› Import/Export -› User/Member Importation
We don’t we use a custom script
If the user doesn’t have a subscription running with Authorize.Net and, instead, your custom script makes the charges and manages that, then they’ll need to start a subscription with Authorize.Net through an s2Member pro-form when you’re ready to migrate them from the old system to s2Member.
Maybe we can script that to happen? I REALLY don’t want 2000 members having to refill out a billing form……
Thanks for the help :)
Thank you that helps me out tremendously – have a great day!!