Hi Raam:
Thanks for your response. This is very time-consuming – design is not my full time job, and honestly, it would be best for me to find someone who knows how to fix the problem and hire them to do so. Do you have any suggestions, or does S2Member have a set of recommended devs for hire?
This isn’t the only issue I’ve run into – for example, intermittently, people lose their privileges. I asked the User Role Editor dev, he took me through a set of diagnostics and didn’t find a problem with his plugin, but I really am not a php developer, and didn’t think I needed to be one to use these plugins.
your advice appreciated.
Hi Cristián;
Okay, thanks.
Hi Cristián:
Ah, I see, I think…
here’s my understanding of the process, including S2Member and the stuff we have to do manually. is this accurate as far as the S2Member part?
here’s the process:
1. Non-registed member (NRM) signs up with the Registration Form on the site
2. NRM gets an automatic email thanking them for signing up and asking them to click an activation link.
3. When they click the activation link, they will automatically get Bethan’s email with the bank details,
4. When they log into the site after they get the activation link, they will automatically have Bethan’s bank detail email in their in box – so they’ll see they have a message.
5. The next step, at this point, is to confirm that they have paid the membership fee.
6. When they have paid, Membership Director goes into the Users database and change their role to FEW Member – Level 1. They will not get any automatic notification of this change.
7. Membership Director sends an in-community message to the person (you can send a private message from your profile) welcoming them to full membership. You may want to have a template for it, so that you can just copy and paste.
8. Now the member has access to all the Community functions. Please note, they will not have access to the Dashboard or Events posts: if they need to post about an event, they can do so in their Activity Stream or in the Forums.
hopefully this is actually what’s happening as far as S2Member is concerned, and once these folks activate, we’ll see them in the Membership Directory…or, wait a minute, I just realized something: they shouldn’t be in the Directory at all if they are not FEW Member Level 1(see step 6). S2Member is already preventing the non-Members from seeing the Membership page, so that’s okay. But how do I make sure that only people who are Level 1 Members show up in the Directory?
sorry it’s so convoluted.
your help appreciated,
Hi Jason:
I see: okay, so, then I should just remove the upgrade code as it won’t have any meaning then, I’m assuming.
If you can incorporate this into future releases, that would be awesome!
Hi Jason and Cristián:
Any updates available on this question?
I use MadMimi, not the other mail services, so that won’t work.
So, I read through Jason’t thread: I am not a php developer and to be honest, I don’t understand much of what he said, but I made the mu-plugins folder and the s2-hacks.php file and copied this.
add_filter ("ws_plugin__s2member_modification_email_sbj",
"my_s2_modification_sbj", 10, 2);
function my_s2_modification_sbj ($s2member_default_sbj, $vars = array
return "Thank you! Your account has been updated.";
add_filter ("ws_plugin__s2member_modification_email_msg",
"my_s2_modification_msg", 10, 2);
function my_s2_modification_msg ($s2member_default_msg, $vars = array
return "Thank you! You've been updated to:\n" .
$vars["paypal"]["item_name"] . "\n\nPlease log back in now:\n" .
wp_login_url ();
now what do I do – does this get triggered automatically when the person’s account changes? how do I only make it happen when the update is, specifically, from Level 0-Non-Registered Member upgrading to Level 1 – Paid Member?
Update: I uploaded the framework and Pro folders and everything seems fine now. this is just a note in case someone else runs into this problem.
Hi Cristián and Epix Media:
Thank you both for your notes. I am going to try using CSS and not touch the actual functioning of each field, and if that works, it’ll be golden. If I have to deal with S2Member functions, then I’m out of my depth so will have to try to find someone to help.
thanks again.
Ahh… I see – we don’t use PayPal for memberships as it’s hard to do so here in Japan.
Can you give me a sense of the direction a coder would need to look in order to do this? I’m at a loss, as I’m not a coder myself, and even to give someone direction, your suggestions would help, as the person I’m working with is not familiar with S2Member.
Hi Jason:
I had an idea, a way to shortcut most of the coding that’s so time-consuming (and I don’t even know if my developer can do it), but still give me what I’m looking for, which is that one level of person can’t access the SuperAdmin dashboard:
1. I found a plugin by WPMU called: http://premium.wpmudev.org/project/easy-blogging/installation/
2. I only have a small group of 8-12 people who need to be restricted.
3. if I set their accounts up for them and put them in EasyBlogging mode, when the person signs in, they don’t see either the Users or the S2Member plugins – they only see their own posting and profile options (basically).
What do you think of this as a solution?
What would be even better is if S2Member can be site so that this level of person can’t exit EasyBlogging mode: then there’s no way for them to go to the SuperAdmin parts of the site. Is that possible? I will also ask at WPMU, but I think it needs to originate from S2Member’s control of the member’s role…
I’m hoping against hope that this is the answer: it’ll probably be a big help for others as well.
Hi Jason:
Thanks so much: I’ve read through the Codex notes and kind of understand the principle, and I’ve downloaded the user role editor and will look at that as well, to see if it will allow people to post, without seeing the rest of the admin panel.
in the meantime, I gave all of your notes to my developer and am hoping he can figure it out if I can’t (which is likely)..
oops, I spoke a bit too soon: here’s the issue I’m having now: the Level 0 person can’t access their own profile, although I removed /profile/ from the URI restrictions: how do I remedy that?
thanks again.
Hi Jason:
thank so much: it looks like that was the problem: I didn’t realize that I needed to add the BuddyPress uri’s now a Level 0 person can’t access anything but the front page from within the site, and I know what to tweak to allow them to access their profile.
thank you so very much!!!
Hi Cristián:
I did as you said, and I still get the same thing. I’m at my wits end – I have to present the site to the client tomorrow and I have no idea what else to do to fix the problem.
I would appreciate it if I can send you the logins and you can diagnose the problem and let me know what I need to do to fix it.
Hi Cristián:
I always use different browsers when I test: I’m going to create another test membership and follow it through to see if the admin bar is still there.
will let you know if the problem persists.
Hi Cristián:
I took care of the registration fields problem: you were right, and now the admin sees the new signup’s accurate choices of membership level and payment.
But, when I’m logged in as this new user, who is Registered-non-Member, I can still see all of the same black Admin bar options as I do when I’m logged in as Administrator. how do I make sure that the black admin bar only shows the options available for Registered-non-Member.
How should I handle it so the restrictions work?
thanks for all your help!
Hi Cristián:
You rock – that fixed it! So when the Admin logs in, she will see the options the new user chose. wonderful. I have one more question, hopefully easier: can you let me know what CSS to use to have all of the options justify left and line up in a column? So, in other words, they\’ll look like this:
Membership Type
One year – Regular ¥15,000
Two years- Regular ¥30,000
Six months – Regular ¥9,000
One year – Associate ¥9,000
One year – Overseas ¥6000
Two years – Overseas ¥11,000
Method of Payment
I will pay by bank transfer
I will pay by cash
Thank you!
Hi Cristián:
thanks for your reply: we use MadMimi, so the email newsletter thing won\’t work for us. Plus, the main goal would be to have two separate registration options: since you\’re saying that\’s not possible, I will give up and try to find a different way.
Hi Raam:
I see – I’m going to give up on this, then and try to find a workaround I can handle myself.
Okay, I uploaded the image to Flckr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tokyoterri/6928104587/
looking forward to figuring out what to do.
Hi Cristián:
Really appreciate your quick response, as I\’m over the deadline and need to get the client up to speed this weekend.
I\’ve attached a screenshot of what I see on the Edit User page as Admin. this is a dummy user, and I only clicked 1 option for Membership Type and 1for Method of Payment, yet they are all clicked when I go to that User\’s page as Admin. So as the Membership director, I won\’t have any idea what membership level the person signed up for and how they plan to pay.
I\’m not using another plugin for the Membership function -I have open registration, and the Membership director will change each new user\’s role manually.
and now that I\’m looking, I feel like an idiot because I don\’t see where I can upload a screenshot ;-( I have one for you but not sure…