I figured it out, thanks.
I figured it out, thanks.
Okay, good to know, thanks!
Okay, thanks Bruce. i will try either of those options.
That worked, thanks Bruce!
Okay, I did get that to work on my wordpress page but in my header.php page, it won’t work. In my header.php page I have the same code as inside my wp page which is:
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
echo '<a href="<?php echo wp_logout_url( home_url() ); ?>" title="Logout"><img src="/images/logout-bottom.png" alt="" width="120" height="23" border="0" /></a>'; }
else {
echo '<a href="/wp-login.php"><img src="/images/login-bottom.png" alt="" width="120" height="23" border="0" /></a>';}
I also have the plugin PHP Execution installed as well as Exec-PHP wp plugin.
hi there. i tried but it doesn’t work and goes to an error page. This is the url it redirects to:;%20?%3E
Seems that something is not being translated correctly. Also, I’m working on an ip not a domain, does that matter?
Okay, apparently there was ‘disabled’ inside the submit field which I removed All fixed now, thanks!
I have Open Enrollment set to Yes but the Register button is disabled on the registration page.
when I do that, it says “User registration is currently not allowed.”
The Registr button on the /wp-admin/wp_login.php page.
It appears disabled, not sure why that is happening.
Okay, I’m noticing that for the custom email for the admin (Administrative: New User Notification), I’m receiving the email but it is coming from WordPress
Which is strange because I have it set to “Diane”
Any idea why that is happening?
Okay, I see how to do it now, thanks!
If I do that though, isn’t it true that the user’s auto-generated email will not be sent to me? Or what is the s2member code that creates the auto-generated password so I can place that in the custom email area?
Okay, this worked on that:
div.ws-plugin–s2member-pro-login-widget-submit input {
background-color: #734C29;
color: #F0D7C6;
border-color: #deba9d;
However, how would I change the color on the title Login? on this page: http://jsc.seozones1.com/apply/
Okay, I figured it out here:
"Login", "signup_url" => "", "login_redirect" => "", "profile_title" => "My Profile Summary",);echo s2member_pro_login_widget($options);
This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Mike Waller.
How would make changes to the styling on the button and form fields in css? I tried the following to my theme css file but it doesn’t work:
div.ws-plugin–s2member-pro-login-widget {
background: #FF0000;
This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Mike Waller.
Okay, that worked. thanks!
Oops, what I have is here but it’s not pulling back the first name:
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
echo 'Welcome! ' . $current_user->user_firstname . "";
Thanks for your help with that.
Okay, I got it to work using this:
< ?php
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
echo 'Logout’;
} else {
echo ‘Login‘;
Well I found the Logout url but now can’t this to work the way I want to. In my header.php file I hard coded in the menu links (from the source code). Now I’m trying to place in the following but the php code is converting to a string so the Logout link is not working properly. Any suggestions? This is what I have:
< ?php
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
echo '<a href="” title=”Logout”>Logout’; }
else {
echo ‘Login‘;}
I think I figured it out thanks.