Cristián Lávaque
My Latest Replies (From Various Topics)
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Posted: Thursday Feb 16th, 2012 at 3:37 am #5335 | |
Hello Gary. The integration allows you to protect any kind of file you’re hosting with Amazon S3/CloudFront. This protection lets you require the user to have a certain access. The file is protected from being downloaded by someone that isn’t logged in to an account with enough access. The Amazon S3 integration is currently available in the s2Member Framework, which is free. I suggest that you install it and try it to see if it does all you need it to. There you’ll find extensive documentation on the integration. [hilite path]WP Admin -> s2Member -> Downloads Options -> Amazon[/hilite] I hope that helps. :) |
Posted: Thursday Feb 16th, 2012 at 3:30 am #5334 | |
Hi Gunter! Well, you just install the Pro add-on and it’ll add features to the s2Member framework (the free plugin). The free plugin you had installed won’t be changed, only new features get added, which are all optional, it’s up to you what features you use. About the email not being sent, could you please enable logging, test a transaction and from all the log files post here the log entries related to the test transaction? Please x’ing out any private info. [hilite path]WP Admin -> s2Member -> PayPal Options -> Account Details -> Enable Logging[/hilite] Thanks! |
Posted: Thursday Feb 16th, 2012 at 3:25 am #5333 | |
Hi Angela. Well, the error may be coming from WP itself if trying to create a user with an empty username. Now, why is it empty if you’re entering one, I don’t know, I guess it could be because it’s in Chinese? Could you test with user login “testuser” and see if that gives you the error too? If you create a user with its username in Chinese using the registration form, does it work fine? |
Posted: Thursday Feb 16th, 2012 at 3:19 am #5332 | |
Hello Mirko. Do you mean an invoice for your s2Member Pro license payment? Please send an email addressed to Elizabeth using this private contact form: :) |
Posted: Thursday Feb 16th, 2012 at 3:16 am #5331 | |
I see, you mean you restricted access to the post in the blog, right? Well, it may be showing in the blog list of posts, but if you try to open the post itself it takes one to the Membership Options page. This video may help understand that behavior: I hope it helps. :) |
Posted: Thursday Feb 16th, 2012 at 3:06 am #5329 | |
I don’t know, haven’t done or seen it done yet. You may want to post this job in a freelance website: |
Posted: Thursday Feb 16th, 2012 at 3:01 am #5327 | |
Hello Mathew. I’m sorry you had that problem. Of you course you wouldn’t want it to happen again. Would you happen to have logging enabled? If so, please post the log entries related to those users, x’ing out any private info. If it isn’t enabled, it’d be a good idea to do it so you get more info to work with in cases like this. [hilite path]WP Admin -> s2Member -> PayPal Options -> Account Details -> Enable Logging[/hilite] You can restore access to the user editing his profile and manually adding the ccaps back to it. [hilite path]WP Admin -> Users -> All User -> Edit user -> Custom Capabilities[/hilite] If they purchased lifetime access, then no EOT should have been set for the users. If they also had a subscription going, separate from the ccap access, and the subscription ended for some reason, that’d set an EOT for the account, affecting the ccaps also. Do you sell a subscription too, or some other access that isn’t lifetime? Could you review the profile of other users the purchased access the same way those users with the problem did? There’s a field for EOT, it should be blank. |
Posted: Thursday Feb 16th, 2012 at 2:54 am #5326 | |
Hi Christian. Like Bendix said, PayPal Pro is not necessarily required to use the pro-forms. Here’s more information about that: Now, if that doesn’t work, it may be that PayPal doesn’t support Express Checkout in Germany either. Let us know how it goes, please. |
Posted: Thursday Feb 16th, 2012 at 2:51 am #5324 | |
Hi Bendix. Could you double check that you copied your CloudFront Key Pair ID and Private Key exactly? And did you enable Auto-Configure? [hilite path]WP Admin -> s2Member -> Downloads Options -> Amazon S3/CloudFront[/hilite] Remember to click the “Save All Changes” button at the bottom after any changes for them to be applied. |
Posted: Thursday Feb 16th, 2012 at 2:43 am #5323 | |
Hi Adam. [hilite path]WP Admin -> s2Member -> PayPal Options -> Account Details -> IPN -> More information[/hilite]
[hilite path]WP Admin -> s2Member -> PayPal Options -> Account Details -> PDT/Auto Return -> More information[/hilite]
I hope that helps! :) |
Posted: Thursday Feb 16th, 2012 at 2:35 am #5321 | |
Hi Rodger. You can delete the user from your admin area. Go to [hilite path]WP Admin -> Users -> All Users[/hilite], check the box next to the user’s name and then from the “Bulk Action” drop-down, select “Delete” and click the “Apply” button. Right now there isn’t a banning feature that’d prevent the user from registering again. You’d need to monitor new registrations to spot the user and remove him again. Even if you banned by email address or IP, there are ways around that, so in the end it still comes down to reviewing new users. I hope that helps. |
Posted: Thursday Feb 16th, 2012 at 1:46 am #5314 | |
Great! Thanks for the udpate! I’m very glad you sorted it out. :) I’m adding that plugin to the list of known conflicts then. |
Posted: Thursday Feb 16th, 2012 at 1:42 am #5313 | |
Got ya, thanks. Well, the Page restriction won’t do anything to the blog, because that doesn’t use pages. You can use the Post, Category, Tag restrictions, even the URI restriction depending on your permalink structure. [hilite path]WP Admin -> s2Member -> Restriction Options[/hilite] Does that help? |
Posted: Thursday Feb 16th, 2012 at 1:32 am #5312 | |
In multisite, the registration page is [hilite mono]/wp-signup.php[/hilite]. That said, since you have s2Member Pro, the free registration pro-form is avaialble to you and you can include it in any WP page or post you choose using the shortcode. [hilite path]WP Admin -> s2Member -> PayPal Pro-Forms -> Free Registration[/hilite] Does that help? |
Posted: Thursday Feb 16th, 2012 at 1:04 am #5311 | |
Thanks Angela. Hmm… Could you try deactivating that Formidable Pro plugin for the test too? I know it seems to be key in your setup, but I’d like to identify if it’s the cause of the notification problem. If that doesn’t identify the problem, please send an email via the contact form: |
Posted: Wednesday Feb 15th, 2012 at 2:19 am #5203 | |
Thanks for the kudos! I’m glad I managed to help you so far. :) Please let me know how it goes. |
Posted: Wednesday Feb 15th, 2012 at 12:49 am #5185 | |
I see. Hmm… I remember another user having a similar problem and it was the caching plugin. Could you try using Quick Cache instead of that one? About the database repair, I suggest you create a backup before doing it. In Google you’ll find plenty of info on how you can do the repair: I hope that helps. :) |
Posted: Tuesday Feb 14th, 2012 at 11:19 pm #5150 | |
Hi Luis. Could you please try the other URL format that doesn’t use the question mark? Sometimes that causes trouble with the players. [hilite path]WP Admin -> s2Member -> Downloads Options -> Advanced Mod-Rewrite Linkage[/hilite] I hope it helps. :) |
Posted: Tuesday Feb 14th, 2012 at 11:16 pm #5149 | |
Hi Mike. You may find this thread helpful: :) |
Posted: Tuesday Feb 14th, 2012 at 11:13 pm #5147 | |
Hi Emmanuel. Thanks for the kudos! :) Well, it may be a corrupt database, but it could also be an object caching problem. Do you have a caching plugin installed? If so, could you try deactivating its object caching or the whole plugin as a test to see if that fixes the problem? Let me know if that helps.
Posted: Tuesday Feb 14th, 2012 at 11:10 pm #5146 | |
Hi Thomas! Let me see if I understand, the blog is part of the same WP installation that you have installed s2Member in, is that right? Or do you have the blog in a separate WP installation? Are you using multisite? |
Posted: Tuesday Feb 14th, 2012 at 10:59 pm #5144 | |
Thanks! :) I see in every entry, except the first, that the notification URLs were processed: [hilite pre_code] 6 => 'Specific Post/Page ~ Sale Notification URLs have been processed.',[/hilite]Could you try the email notification as I suggested above? See if you get that email? Also, please let us know if you test for a plugin conflict and if you find one.
Posted: Tuesday Feb 14th, 2012 at 10:49 pm #5141 | |
Hi Karen! Yes, I remember the conversation. :)
I see, you’re trying to prevent the user from viewing the Login Welcome Page. This is a problem, because that page, since it’s the one show to users when they login, has to be viewable to all logged in users, which includes free ones at s2 Level 0. The Login Welcome Page is automatically restricted at Level 0, so only logged in users can view it, so it is out of reach for non-logged in visitors, but will always be visible to logged in ones.
If someone gets demoted to Level 0 by the Auto EOT Behavior, then all content protected at Level 1 or higher will be out of his reach.
This affects one-time payments, not recurring payments. That settings makes it possible to extend existing access time. So, if someone paid for a month of access and a couple of days later pays again for a month, if the auto-extend setting is “yes”, then the new month will be added to the already paid month, resulting in 2 months of access. If the setting were “no”, then the previous paid month gets dropped and the new one starts immediately, resulting in the a total access of 2 days from the first purchase and another month from the second one. I hope that helps! |
Posted: Tuesday Feb 14th, 2012 at 10:41 pm #5140 | |
Hi Luis. To post the code you need to wrap it with code tags. Below the reply box you’ll see the tags you can use. About the URL to the file, it looks fine, but maybe the question mark is causing trouble with the player, sometimes it does. Try using the URL version that doesn’t have a question mark, it’s described here: [hilite path]WP Admin -> s2Member -> Downloads Options -> Advanced Mod-Rewrite Linkage[/hilite] If it doesn’t solve the problem, please post your code inside code tags to give it a look. Thanks! :) |
Posted: Tuesday Feb 14th, 2012 at 10:32 pm #5137 | |
Thanks a lot. No, that’s not on PayPal’s side. I searched the source files and found where the problem is. I just notified the Lead Developer about it. In the meantime, you may want to change it manually so you don’t need to wait for an update. [hilite mono]/wp-content/plugins/s2member-pro/includes/iso-3166-1.txt[/hilite] |