Hi Cristian,
I just left a comment and rating over at the WordPress platform and I “Liked” s2member on facebook. Thanks again for all the help.
Wow, I’m really amazed how dumb I am. You are aboslutely right of course. I integrated Clickbank a year ago, it worked like a charm. But all of a sudden something broke somewhere (I must have messed up) and that’s when the drama started.
I added the clickbank button to the page and removed the paypal form:
It works perfectly. I just need to figure out now how to change the button to make it look more appealing, but I’ll figure that out.
Thank you again and I apologize for taking up so much of your time.
Christian, I made the change. Unfortunately, I am now getting a message that I need to enter a valid credit card number, etc. (I’m trying to do a test purchase with a Clickbank generated credit card #, etc,). Anyway, this doesn’t seem to be a s2member issue but something on my side I need to look into. Thanks again.
Thank you very much for fixing this, Christian – it’s greatly appreciated.
Thanks Christian. Just to let you know, the test-sale came through via clickbank. That’s a good sign!
Christian, sorry to be a bother, but anything else you could suggest here? Thanks,
I changed it from 1.0 to 2.1. Unfortunately, the error persists.
Christian, thank you so much for looking into this. Your help is greatly appreciated. The video was very helpful, I followed all the steps to verify that everything is set correctly. Unfortunately, I still wasn’t able to get it to work. Again, it used to work perfectly, but at some point something broke. Obviously, I must have done something wrong. Just as a hint: I changed the price a while back ago of my Clickbank Product, but that shouldn’t have caused any problems I would assume.
Anyway, I just sent you all the information via the private contact form. Thanks again for helping me.
Action taken: I posted a private contact form and referenced this Topic.
Is there anything else I can do, please? Thank you.
Christian, thanks for the answer. I worked through the Troubleshooting section as suggested, including the server check which came back as “passed” in all categories.
Do you think the problem is due to the fact that my product is not in the Clickbank marketplace anymore (no sale in the past 30 days)? Or is that completely unrelated?
Hi Cristian,
Thank you for your response. I actually made the decision to move all my videos from amazon s3 cloudfront to vimeo. Yes, it did cost me $199 to sign-up for the PRO account which allows me to protect my videos, but it is just so much easier and it works like a charm. And for some reason that I don’t understand, the videos actually ‘look’ better.
Anyway, thanks again for your help – issue resolved.
Unfortunately, I now REALLY screwed things up big time. I made changes to my amazon aws keys and now I screwed up an existing installation of s2member pro – or to be more precise, my English Guitar Course which was running perfectly fine on s2member pro, now won’t show the course videos anymore.
Hopefully, this is easier to fix – can I please ask you to login to the course here:
User: Ulrich Peise
PW: gofelhead72
Then go to this URL and try to start the video:
It now says: Server not found rtmtp://……….
Again, I believe this is because of the key changes in amazon AWS. At this point I am completely lost.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Hi Eduan,
Thank you for the confirmation. I appreciate it.
Hi Christian,
I changed a couple of things around and basically added an “in-between” Welcome page. Thanks for your help, it definitely works the way you described it.
Beags, thanks for the answer. Bear with me please – I’m using Catalyst/Dynamik Theme. So I think it doesn’t go inot the Style.css (unless I’m wrong).
Where would the snippet of code when you use the Dynamik theme?
Thanks a bunch.
Okay, I modified the shortcode to this for testing purposes:
[s2video video=”Chordbank/A7.mp4″ html5=”true” download=”true” width=”660″ height=”390″]
Same result. Works perfectly, except on I-Pads.
I wonder if there’s anything else I can try.
Thanks in advance.
Philly, good point – I will try that tomorrow morning and report back. Thank you.
Hi Philly,
Thanks a lot for the answer. I deleted the old code and changed it to:
[s2video video=”Beginners Course/Lesson 14, F-Major Exercises/Lesson14.mp4″ html5=”true” download=”true” width=”660″ height=”390″]
The good news – it still works smoothly on regular PCs/Laptops, but still no luck on I-Pads.
However, when I try to access the file directly without the s2member protection, it works like a charm:
I’m sure it’s something very obvious I’m doing wrong here, I just have no clue where to start looking.
Thanks. Ulrich.
Raam, I installed Philly’s plugin and activated it. However, it is still not clear to me what I need to do now. Right now this is the code I use for all my videos:
// Configuration.
$s2_jw_config["jwplayer"] = "/jwplayer/"; // Relative URL path to JW Player files directory.
$s2_jw_config["mp4_video_file_name"] = "Beginners Course/Lesson 1, Welcome, Orientation, Ground Rules/lesson1.mp4"; // Name of your MP4 test file.
// Don't edit anything else below unless you know what you're doing.
<div id="jw-container">JW Player® appears here.</div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $s2_jw_config["jwplayer"]; ?>jwplayer.js"></script>
<?php /* A direct URL to the RTMP source; counting the file against the current User in real-time. */
$cfg = array ("file_download" => $s2_jw_config["mp4_video_file_name"], "url_to_storage_source" => true, "count_against_user" => true); ?>
<?php /* API Function `s2member_file_download_url()` returns false if access is denied to the current User. */
if (($mp4 = s2member_file_download_url ($cfg, "get-streamer-array"))) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
jwplayer("jw-container").setup({modes: /* JW Player®. */
/* First try real-time streaming with Flash® player. */
{type: "flash", provider: "rtmp", src: "<?php echo $s2_jw_config["jwplayer"]; ?>player.swf",
config: {streamer: "<?php echo $mp4["streamer"]; ?>", file: "<?php echo $mp4["file"]; ?>"}},
/* Else, try an HTML5 video tag. */
{type: "html5", provider: "video",
config: {file: "<?php echo $mp4["url"]; ?>"}},
/* Else, this is a safe fallback. */
{type: "download", /* Download the file. */
config: {file: "<?php echo $mp4["url"]; ?>"}}
/* Set video dimensions. */ width: 660, height: 371
<?php } else /* Access is denied to the current User. */ { ?>
Sorry, you do NOT have access to this file.
<?php } ?>
What exactly do I need to do now from here to make the videos ‘play-able’ on I-Pads?
Thanks a lot for your help in advance.
Actually, I just installed the HTTPS/SSL wordpress plugin and it seems to work fine. So unless you guys see any problem with me using that plugin, I am good an don’t need further assistance on this issue. Thanks.
Thank you, Raam. I will try this and report back.
Raam, thank you for your clear answer to both of my questions. I too would prefer two separate pages for the two checkouts – however, conceptually I wasn’t clear if this was okay or cause any issues. Thanks for confirming that this is the way to go.
Eduan, thank you very much for the reply. I actually found that setting in the meantime. It makes perfect sense.
Thanks again!