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Randy King

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Posted: Sunday Sep 8th, 2013 at 7:31 am #59249
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

My $0.02 – I have had success putting the whole area inside of a DIV then modifying aspects of the style such as lineheight and table formatting.

Posted: Monday Aug 26th, 2013 at 9:39 pm #58707
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

Joe – I have done exactly that as well, and have reached the same conclusion: something must have barffed during install/setup/whatever. Glad you got it going!


Posted: Friday Aug 23rd, 2013 at 7:38 am #56536
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

LOL, no problem. Got my degree in EE as well. After burning out too many chips in lab, figured it was easier to edit code when I did that wrong.

I have coded up 5 buttons to a page, and they were all for different products or bundles.

I have not done extensive research into how I would offer multiple tiers inside of multiple levels, but my sense is that it’s really in how you present it more than anything else, as you said.

For example, I might start by having the user select from 1 of 3 different products, perhaps using an image as the thing they select. Clicking that image or text link would take them to a new PAGE for that product specifically. Here you can talk about what that product is in a paragraph, then offer 3 time windows.

The time windows would each be a different PayPal button for purchase, each generated by the s2Member PayPal button generator.

YES, you are generating 9 different buttons, but at least it doesn’t look so clunky because now there’s only 3 buttons on 3 different pages – and it helps emphasize exactly which product is being purchased – the buttons only specify the EOT (end of term). All done through the s2Member button generator.

Can you find something easier? Perhaps – I work with different shopping carts, including using PayPal directly on some sites, even in combination with the s2Member PayPal buttons for membership. It’s all a trade-off. s2Member gives you essentially unlimited flexibility in your site design, others limit you or look awful and cannot be tweaked.

Like anything, it’s a learning curve. You’ll get it, and you’re first implementation won’t be stellar. As you work with it, you’ll get the nuances and get better. I would just stay focused here and make a go of it!


Posted: Thursday Aug 22nd, 2013 at 5:42 pm #56469
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

LOL, I know exactly what went wrong – it’s software! It’s all good now, so whatever bit got dropped got updated. :)

Posted: Thursday Aug 22nd, 2013 at 5:39 pm #56466
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

George, yes – I think you’re starting to see it.

Use your “pages” as the anchor of the membership protection, then allow posts associated with those pages.

Now, to further complicate things, you have two dimensions to protection with s2Member – not only can you protect on membership LEVEL, you can also protect on something called CAPABILITIES.

For example, if you have a dozen users on LEVEL 1, you can further delineate what they have access to by assigning what s2Member calls “Custom Capabilities”.

Let’s say 6 of those people can have access to videos. You would assign a capability of “vids” to those 6, and then use either shortcodes, PHP, or the built-in s2Member page/post protection to allow only people that hold the capability of “vids” to see those pages.

YOU get to chose what to call your capabilities, and you can create as many or as few as you want. You create them simply by assigning a custom capability to users in the “edit user” page. In other words, there’s no place to specifically declare what your custom capabilities are called inside of s2Member.

The key, as you say, is in getting those pages assigned properly. I ALWAYS have a completely unrestricted home page so that people know where they are, then I restrict the “Members” page according to the way s2Member suggests it to be done.

Keep playing with it, you’ll get it!


Posted: Tuesday Aug 20th, 2013 at 8:00 am #56251
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

Bruce, I uploaded pro 3 times and got the same issue. Finally, I replaced the core framework then uploaded pro and it seems to be working fine. The manifest in the Readme says 130816 as you cited, but the error message referenced 130816+, so not sure if there was an incremental release.

Obviously, could have been anything. Looks happy now, however. Thanks!


Posted: Tuesday Aug 20th, 2013 at 7:56 am #56250
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

Bruce, Jason – Thanks. I know, it’s frustrating. I have other sites where this is functioning perfectly. One of them even has 2 pages of active plugins! And they’re on the same server. Crap, hate it when this kind of stuff happens.

Thanks for the test code, will drill down and see what the real story is there, and report back for the benefit of the community.

Posted: Monday Aug 19th, 2013 at 6:41 pm #56185
Randy King
Username: RandyKing


I agree with you about IE. Actually, I would recommend that you download Google Chrome and use that as your secondary browser, not IE because it presents a whole other world of problems.

I really don’t know what else to tell you about this. I am controlling four very large membership sites with over 500 members, using all kinds of s2Member features and it’s all working. So I think we can safely say that s2Member works.

Again, here’s some points to check and be very very certain about them…

1. You are logged in as someone whose WP Role is “admininstrator”

2. You have a HOME page on your site with a link to your members page like this:

<a href="members">Go To Members Page</a>

3. You have created a PAGE (not a post) called “Members” and on this page you say “Welcome, Member!” in the text. Be SURE the Permalink ends in “members” so your home page link above works.

4. You have created a PAGE (not a post) called “Membership Options” and on this page, you can put a few fake “paypal” links – just some words for now, doesn’t matter.

5. Inside of the s2Member dashboard General Options, you select your page called “Members” to be the one on the s2Member “Login Welcome Page” tab.

6. Inside of the s2Member dashboard General Options, you select your page called “Membership Options” to be the one on the s2Member “Membership Options Page” tab.

7. You use your ALTERNATE browser to come to the site, and then click on your “Go To Members Page” link. This should cause you to be re-directed to the “Membership Options” page because you are not a logged in member.

8. As administrator, create a user called “Fred” and set Fred’s role to “s2Member Level 1”

9. In your alternate browser, go to: ((your URL))/wp-login.php and log in fred to the site. You should now immediately go to your “Members” page.

10. Go to the home page of the site as “fred” and click the “Go To Members Page” link. You’ll go right back to the Members page again, whereas when you’re not logged in, you’ll go to the Membership Options page.

Doing all that should give you an understanding of what’s going on and how it all works. And you really need to use two independent browsers to make this all work for your testing.


Posted: Monday Aug 19th, 2013 at 4:26 pm #56181
Randy King
Username: RandyKing


Are you sure that the user you set up and were using was a WordPress administrator? It sounds like NOT, it sounds like that user’s role got set to something other than Administrator, which would explain what’s going on here.

So you can easily disable s2Member temporarily. Do the following:

1. Use FTP to get into your site.

2. Traverse the directory structure until you get to a path that will end in exactly the following:


3. In that folder, RENAME the folder “s2Member” to something like “s2Member-HOLD”

4. Now log in to your site – s2Member will be “gone” as far as your site is concerned.

5. Fix the problem – sounds like you need to check the ROLE of the person you are logging in as. It MUST be “Administrator”.

If you are looking to test what happens when you are NOT an administrator or not logged in…

Did you know that when you are logged in as your site administrator that you are the all-seeing, all-knowing god of the site? You CANNOT TEST what non-members will see because you have full access to everything; s2Member grants access to the world to you.

This is why I have installed Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, and Internet Explorer on my computer. I develop in Firefox, then I open Chrome to access the page as a non-member who is not logged in.

That last bit is IMPORTANT – develop in browser “A” and test in browser “B” – DO NOT USE TWO INSTANCES OF THE SAME BROWSER; e.g., do NOT open two Firefox browsers – they SHARE cookies, cache, etc., and you will still be logged in as administrator in that second browser even though it’s a separate instance.


Posted: Monday Aug 19th, 2013 at 4:12 pm #56180
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

Chris –

You can use either shortcodes or you can use PHP, if you’re so inclined.

The number of THINGS you can display to your users on a page/post is pretty expansive.

For example, you could put this shortcode in your post…

Hello [s2Get constant="S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_FIRST_NAME" /] and Welcome!

What would display is…

Hello Chris and Welcome!


For a list of a lot of these shortcodes (and their PHP equivalents), go to your s2Member control panel along the left edge of the dashboard and select API / Scripting and then open up the section entitled s2Member PHP/API Constants. You can get the exhaustive list at this link:


Posted: Monday Aug 19th, 2013 at 2:27 pm #56170
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

George –

Nothing really radical happens when s2Member is activated. Here’s the simplified view:

1. The page you specified as your login welcome page is protected; i.e., you have to be a logged-in member in order to see it. If you are not a logged in member, then…

2. The page you specified as your membership options page is displayed to everyone, and is automatically displayed when someone who is NOT a logged-in member attempts to access a protected page such as the login welcome page. This is where you put your paypal stuff, etc.

3. You can write all kinds of other pages and automatically protect them with the page control-panel selection at the top-right of the page as you are editing it.

Here’s something that occurred to me – did you know that when you are logged in as your site administrator that you are the all-seeing, all-knowing god of the site? You CANNOT TEST what non-members will see because you have full access to everything; s2Member grants access to the world to you.

This is why I have installed Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, and Internet Explorer on my computer. I develop in Firefox, then I open Chrome to access the page as a non-member who is not logged in.

That last bit is IMPORTANT – develop in browser “A” and test in browser “B” – DO NOT USE TWO INSTANCES OF THE SAME BROWSER; e.g., do NOT open two Firefox browsers – they SHARE cookies, cache, etc., and you will still be logged in as administrator in that second browser even though it’s a separate instance.

Is that what’s happening?


Posted: Monday Aug 19th, 2013 at 8:47 am #56156
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

George – LOL! I have been there, just do NOT punch your monitor. The “Hello World” page comes from text inside of the “Sample” page. Open that page and you will see it! And the SLUG may have been changed to hello-world or similar, further confounding you. But that’s the page.

OK, so here’s what I would recommend…

1. De-Activate the s2Member plugin

2. Get your site set up with some pages, posts, etc. – they can all be test pages, that’s great

3. Once you have your site working in this way, now activate s2Member and go through the steps.

What’s really important are the “Members” page and the “Membership Options” page. Read the BOTTOM half of the reply I wrote in this forum post for a feel about this…

Here’s the best thing that will help you: hard as it is READ AND UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING. It’s really well-written, and once you get over the learning curve hump, it will be easy.


Posted: Monday Aug 19th, 2013 at 8:37 am #56155
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

Mark – I have had bizarre things like this occur; not this one specifically.

Do you code up your pages? For example, I use a crap-load of DIVs and PHP on my pages to make things go the way I want to, and sometimes I miss something like a closing double-quotes on a DIV style and everything still seems to work, but then one little thing breaks.

I have also resorted to de-activating ALL plugins except s2Member and Pro, then switching to a generic theme to see what happens. I get that on a busy site this can be a bit disastrous, so you could add a “maintenance mode” thing like this one: to deflect visitors during testing.

I have to say that in pretty much every case, I am the culprit. I apologize that I couldn’t offer some concrete words on your specific problem, but I recommend you try the above.


Posted: Monday Aug 19th, 2013 at 8:26 am #56154
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

Hey, Tim – There’s a bit of a learning curve to all this, but as plugins with this level of sophistication go, s2Member is REALLY easy once you get over a couple of hurdles. And it can be frustrating, simply because of how robust this thing is. Trust me, I have implemented some major membership add-ons, plugins, whatever-ins, and this one is about the most straightforward.

OK, soapbox aside, here’s what you need to do for PayPal buttons…

0. Are your PayPal options all set up? In the s2Member control panel along the left edge of your site select “PayPal Options” and be sure everything there is complete exactly as requested. This hooks you up to your PayPal account.

1. In the s2Member control panel along the left edge, go to the “PayPal Buttons” page.

2. Choose the membership level that the person will be put into when s/he pays with the button you’re about to create and click-open that tab. Let’s choose “PayPal Buttons for Level #1 Access”

3. Read the stuff there carefully. It’s well-written and explains everything. If you’re like me, you might want to skip some stuff, but force yourself to read it.

4. Fill in the boxes of exactly what you want to do with this membership level, then click the [Generate Button Code] button and – voila – there’s your embedded code to put on your page. Copy and paste it into the page where you want the button to appear.

Every so often you’ll see a little question-mark in a box – these are really helpful little tips for that topic, click each to see what’s there.

<hr />

Configuring Membership Options – consider that there are TWO different pages where people will land; a member (e.g., Level 1) will land on the page you’ve configured under “General Options” to be the “Login Welcome Page” – this is where you put stuff you want your members to have access to. s2Member automatically protects this page from non-members.

The second page is the page people will be directed to when they try to access member content, configured under “General Options” as the “Membership Options” page. This is where you put all your PayPal buttons for people to sign up for a membership of whatever level(s) you have configured.

HERE’S THE RUB – How do people actually land on these pages? Well, members that log in are directed there automagically, so that’s covered. But I always put a “Members” button on my site and when people click on it, it’s just a link to the member’s page, so they’re either allowed in (they are a logged-in member) or they are automatically re-directed to the membership options page.

I also always put “Are you a member? LOG IN” on the membership options page at the top, with a link that re-directs them to the login screen. Here’s my code for that:

<strong>Already a member?</strong>&nbsp; Splendid!&nbsp; You will want to <a href="[blogurl]wp-login.php/">Click Here</a> to log in.

The blogurl shortcode comes from this plugin:

What I had to do with all this is take a deep breath and READ all of the stuff written in the “Quick Start Guide” in the s2Member control panel, and read EVERYTHING else that I could and keep the squirrels at bay. Once you work with this plugin awhile, you will come to love it. Or you could go try a couple of others and come screaming back.

Listen, when you talk to the Pope put in a good word for me, too.


Posted: Saturday Aug 17th, 2013 at 8:59 am #56073
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

It’s clear that there’s something awry with the pro upgrade process, and it’s not necessarily s2Member. I just wonder if there’s a memory hog out there. I’m going to try disabling all plugins and then upgrading. I will report back.


OK, I disabled every plugin except for s2Member Framework, and switched to the generic vanilla WP 2013 theme and I am still getting the memory error.

See also:

Posted: Tuesday Aug 13th, 2013 at 7:59 am #55664
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

Duh. How about missing the closing quotes on the div style? That was it, Bruce. =redface=


Posted: Sunday Mar 17th, 2013 at 11:29 am #44983
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

Ouch, Andy – you’re all-caps font is hard to read! That being said, you can easily do what you want. I use the “Custom Capabilities” feature to grant access to specific products and services, all on the same member level. And you can grant temporary access (say, 24 hours) to specific pages that would have the items you want customers to get access to, and they don’t even need a member level.


Posted: Sunday Mar 17th, 2013 at 11:09 am #44982
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

Thanks, Jason – you guys rock. Seriously, this is some of the most rock-solid robust software on the web for WordPress. As soon as I figure out how to seamlessly integrate Infusionsoft bi-directionally, I will be set. They use an XML engine for their API. I may want to just hire out the development of a plugin to do this.

Thanks again, we all love what you guys are up to!


Posted: Tuesday Mar 5th, 2013 at 9:08 am #43770
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

Oh, yeah – I spent 2 full days evaluating various plugins. Most have no clue about decent PayPal integration, if they have any at all. And the costs are insane for the spirit of WordPress. One plugin that was OK, kept choosing the wrong date (off-by-one error) and they wanted $49 for 30 days! The WPMUdev group looks they have a good one, but it’s $15/mo single or you can become a member for $480 a year, and no way to try it out.

The trouble with most of them is that you can’t see any problems in a full implementation until you’ve thrown down 49 or 99 bucks to unlock the features that you need, and the support forums don’t look like they are fixing earlier problems. And most of them use a bait-and-switch model from “free” to 99 bucks if you want to book, say, more than 3 appointments a week. That kind of crap generates huge bad will and I don’t trust someone to do what they say they are going to do after that.

The stuff you guys write is incredibly well documented and supported and it appears that you actually look at how something could be used in the design of it. LOL!

I’m developing for small organizations for lower costs, and I can’t afford a $99 mistake, at least not at the moment. I told the client that she’s going to have to book things manually after customer pays for the time being and she’s OK with that – we won’t be automating until something decent comes up.

Posted: Sunday Feb 24th, 2013 at 5:22 pm #43131
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

Tle25 –

The brief and bold answer is “yes”. Not fully understanding what you intend to do, I am imagining a scenario where you have installed a communication/blogging/bulletin board software like BuddyPress (, then you protect the blog pages using a specific s2Member “level”.

Alternately, you could assign one level to be the secure platform for your communication area then add in “custom capabilities” on a per-client basis.

s2Member gives you the flexibility to protect pages based on both LEVEL and CUSTOM CAPABILITIES; consequently, each such page could have the communication platform meant specifically for one client.


Posted: Monday Feb 4th, 2013 at 3:17 pm #40776
Randy King
Username: RandyKing


In general the navigation links are outside of the scope of s2Member control. However, you can do some tricky stuff that may work as you need. I won’t go into deep detail here because it would take too much, but I will outline a process for you that may work.

Add a plugin to your system called “Dynamic Widgets” by Qurl. This will allow you to restrict sidebar widgets to specific pages.

Go into WP Appearance->Menus and configure (a) your main menu navigation (name it ‘main’) without your special links, and then (b) a menu that has the special links (name it ‘special’) that you want to protect. Assign the ‘main’ menu to the Primary Menu, but don’t assign the ‘special’ menu to anything.

In the Appearance->Widgets panel, drag a ‘Custom Menu’ widget onto a sidebar, set your ‘special’ menu to be present there, then click on the Dynamic Widgets link and set it to appear only on the pages that you want your special menu to appear.

Now you have s2Member protecting your pages, Dynamic widgets restricting your widget to those pages, and the widget itself contains your protected menu.

Posted: Monday Feb 4th, 2013 at 12:50 pm #40740
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

PayPal standard is all you need. Once the customer hits the PayPal site they will choose what form of payment to use.

Posted: Monday Feb 4th, 2013 at 9:15 am #40721
Randy King
Username: RandyKing


As an aside, remember that when you are editing pages in your WordPress dashboard as the administrator, you already have ALL the permissions of all levels and custom capabilities. I use Firefox for my development, and I have Google Chrome at the waiting to be my member/non-member testing platform.

OK, that said – it helped me to read the Quick-Start guide in the website dashboard [s2Member->Quick Start Guide] really carefully. For this case, you will see that the login and registration form is the same form and it’s provided natively by WordPress (and you can customize it with s2Member). If this form comes up, simply enter your login credentials and then s2Member will re-direct you to your Login Welcome page which you have configured.

If you just go through the Quick Start guide step by step and do what it says, you’ll get a solid understanding of how the framework operates and once you’ve got that, you can start customizing and tweaking things.

Posted: Monday Feb 4th, 2013 at 8:58 am #40710
Randy King
Username: RandyKing


I apologize if I am not grasping your problem completely, but it sounded to me like the issue that I was having initially, so here’s what I did…

I use the s2Member ‘level’ as the “category” of product, and custom capabilities (ccaps) as specific product or product group purchases.

For example, I might use “level 1” for purchase of certain training videos, then custom capabilities for purchase of beginner or advanced topics under that category. The nice thing is that in generating your PayPal buttons you can specify which ccaps should be assigned to that purchase in addition to the level.

Next, some very simple shortcodes on the members page and on the category page will allow paid-for links to show up.

Finally, be sure to protect the deliverables pages themselves with both the membership level AND the custom capabilities so that simply specifying a valid URL will not end-run around your protection.

Posted: Monday Feb 4th, 2013 at 8:44 am #40699
Randy King
Username: RandyKing

Hi, Shegga –

For the case of accepting credit cards, your PayPal account determines this. I am accepting all credit cards plus PayPal and even though I have s2Pro, I am not (yet) using the pro forms. What pro does give you is a better experience for the end-user; it’s a lot more seamless and frankly, a lot more convenient to implement.

I upgraded to s2Promyself because I had been using other membership plugins and there was so much that I could do inside of the free s2 system that I wanted to support this development and I figured there was enough cool stuff on the pro side to make it worthwhile. I was right. :)

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Old Forums (READ-ONLY): The community now lives at WP Sharks™. If you have an s2Member® Pro question, please use our new Support System.

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