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Posted: Tuesday Nov 26th, 2013 at 7:15 pm #61413
Username: cassel

I have the same problem. I am not sure if it is due to the last s2M upgrade or not.
I do the wrapping like you did but although it does give a drop down of one, it is all cramped in the title.
Furthermore, the whole form is narrower and looks bad compared to the previous version that was clean and “aired”.

Did anyone find the same behavior and found a solution?

Can anyone identify where or when this happened? I have two sites using the same version of s2M and one has normal looking pro-form (without that extra Checkout option on top) and one with it, and the squished form overall.

  • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by  cassel.
Posted: Monday Nov 25th, 2013 at 7:57 pm #61361
Username: cassel

You can simply link the word LOGIN to this URL

I have that on my site on top of all the pages
or where login is required for a particular access (check below the Buy now button).

The only drawback is that your customer would then be brought back to the Welcome page, instead of the page they were planning on visiting. I have posted in the forum asking if anyone has a way to bring the member back to the page they left. I am still waiting for an answer.

Another option would be to use the login widget from the Pro version. In that case, you can configure it to keep the viewer on the same page. But for me (at least) this widget looks ugly. However, if you have enough css knowledge, maybe you can make it prettier.

Posted: Monday Nov 25th, 2013 at 7:51 pm #61360
Username: cassel

Yes, you can use the pro-form without Paypal pro.

I am not 100% sure, but I think that the Pro-form is pretty much a one step registration as the customer stays on that page instead of going to the Paypal site. Did you try it on a test page/form?

No, you cannot have 2 paypal buttons at the bottom of the pro-form. You cannot even have 2 pro-forms on the same page. The best you can do is have 2 links that will send the viewer to separate pages depending on what they choose to click.

Posted: Saturday Nov 23rd, 2013 at 6:01 pm #61320
Username: cassel

One option that can work would be to use the login widget on the side of the page and set it to stay on that page. I find that the widget is not pretty looking although maybe with some css knowledge it can be changed? (I just don’t have that knowledge). Also, this widget is only available in the pro version.

I have been asking the same question just a few days ago since I want another way than the widget to login and stay on the page.

  • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by  cassel.
Posted: Friday Nov 15th, 2013 at 8:55 pm #61160
Username: cassel

This feature has been on their to-do list for at least 2 years. You might be better off working on a solution instead of waiting for an update. Hopefully, you will find a way to get things to work without too much cost.

I am using Mailchimp and an autoresponder to send an email 1 week before the start of the recurring payments, which is a set time (3 months for me, so I send the notification on the 80th day) to let the user know that the monthly payments will start shortly. If I had a simple EOT, I could also let them know that their subscription is about to expire and direct them to a link to a hidden page with a button to “buy another year” or something.

Posted: Friday Nov 15th, 2013 at 8:45 pm #61159
Username: cassel

When a member is logged out, there is no way for the system to recognize their level or ccap, so that is a normal behavior. You might want to put a phrase like “If you are a registered member, please log in to access the content”.

Posted: Friday Nov 15th, 2013 at 8:34 pm #61158
Username: cassel

I am not a tech support person, but from what I know of s2M, I doubt it would be possible as the system uses a “time period” with a beginning (the registration) and an end (the EOT). I cannot see how the system can even comprehend the idea of 3 days that are not consecutive.

The only way you could work around this would be to have the users pay for 24 hours, for 3 separate instances (which will obviously add to the Paypal fees).

Posted: Thursday Nov 14th, 2013 at 6:10 am #61123
Username: cassel

I didn’t do anything special to put the php code: I simply use the Text tab when adding content in the WP page (not in the Visual tab).

Posted: Wednesday Nov 13th, 2013 at 4:35 pm #61102
Username: cassel

So, if I generate a button, they should pay a membership immediately and gain 3 days free trial, right? However this is not what I want. Free subscribers must gain free trial without paying and if they like our services then should be able to buy membership.

No, there will be no fee when they click on the button. It will send to Paypal but only to schedule a recurring payment and the first payment will only be drawn after the 3 days.

I thought generating a pro form for free registration for level 1, only for 3 days access. But in this way, I wonder if every user could use it again and again or the free trial is used once by s2member by default? I want the free trial only once for every user.

Yes, in theory, someone could do that. I remember somewhere in the forum, seeing a way to prevent that. Since I never used it, I cannot say anything about it. Maybe a search of the forum can lead you to the method to get around that. If I can find it, i’ll link to it.

Posted: Tuesday Nov 12th, 2013 at 5:30 pm #61054
Username: cassel

I am not able to see anything out of the ordinary, but did you notice any common points when it happens? The user was/was not logged in? The user had a previous ccap, or was already a level 1 member? something like that?

Posted: Tuesday Nov 12th, 2013 at 5:28 pm #61053
Username: cassel

I am not that advanced in php coding but I had a similar situation where I needed some content to appear only on certain dates and then disappear to be replaced by other content. Here is a sample of the coding I used to set the time and date:

if (date("Ymd") < 20121103) {
  echo 'it is still too early for the event. Come back on November 3rd';

if (date('H') == 22 && date("Ymd") == 20121021) {
  echo 'it is now 10pm on the 21st';

if (date('H') < 13 && date("Ymd") == 20121022) {
  echo 'it is now before noon on the 22nd';

if (date('H') > 12 && date("Ymd") == 20121022) {
  echo 'it is now after noon on the 22nd';

So you can put whatever you want inside a conditional (like before date A, at midnight) and different content right after midnight. You can also include more conditionals since the PHP conditionals can be nested, so you can have all those date conditionals nested inside a “if user is logged in (and has a particular ccap)” , and offer more information “if user is not logged in”.

Do you think it would work?

Posted: Tuesday Nov 12th, 2013 at 5:20 pm #61052
Username: cassel

Do you want the free trial to be for the free subscribers to go to the current level 1 subscribers?
If so, you can just generate the button with a 3 day free trial period.
If you click on the PayPal Buttons for level 1 access , you can set a free trial for however many days you want, for free. This would not change anything to the current level 1 members.

Would that work for you?

Posted: Monday Nov 11th, 2013 at 11:19 pm #61018
Username: cassel

Are you able to create 11 different pages and one page with all the “choices” the customer can click and be sent to the actual page? I am not sure s2M supports drop down lists or such but if you have all the options in one central location and then link to specific pages for each of them, you might be able to add some extra information like “Thanks for choosing membership X. Please fill out the form below and ….”

That might mean one extra click, but will still appear like a seamless transition.

Would that work?

Posted: Monday Nov 11th, 2013 at 11:15 pm #61017
Username: cassel

What is the code for the pro-form?
If a current customer makes a purchase without being logged in, the system might not recognize it is the same person so the account might not be updated. Could it be that?

Posted: Monday Nov 11th, 2013 at 11:12 pm #61016
Username: cassel

You definitely don’t need paypal pro. I don’t have Paypal pro, and I do use the Pro-forms and coupons.

I didn`t have to set up anything or change anything to the css. Just generate a form the same way you would generate a button, and then remove the credit cards, the way you did, from the code. Remember to add the variable accept_coupons=”1″ in the code, which is not set like that by default.

You can see an example of the resulting form here:

When you say it is not working as expected, what are you expecting, and what are you getting?

Posted: Monday Nov 11th, 2013 at 8:19 am #61002
Username: cassel

In the WP dashboard, go Users > All users and you should see the list of users. Paid members would be those at level 1 or more so you can just choose those in the top left of the list. Is that what you are looking for?

Posted: Friday Nov 8th, 2013 at 8:20 pm #60956
Username: cassel

As far a s I know, s2M is not set up as a shopping cart, meaning that you cannot make more than one purchase at the time so your scenario would not be handled by s2M.

The custom capabilities videos you watched refer to individual “items” or “groups of items” but always into a SINGLE purchase/package. It is like either you buy one razor, or one pack of blades, or a combined pack of razor and blades, but still being considered a SINGLE item on your bill.

If you want to create packages, you can, but it is not very convenient as you might end up with many many such “packages” like Items1+2, Items 1+3, Items 1+2+3, and so on. The issue is that you can have ONE purchase for ONE package (however you want to combine things or how many you want to include).

One way around it is to have the customer purchase all those separately (which is not convenient). Furthermore, you can have ONLY ONE recurring payment, so if a customer pays for Item1 in a recurring way, as soon as they will buy Item2 (which is also a recurring payment), the payment for Item1 will stop. Again, this is NOT a solution.

You likely need a shopping cart instead of a membership plugin.

Posted: Tuesday Nov 5th, 2013 at 7:33 pm #60893
Username: cassel

Instead of hiding pages or posts, you can hide the content. For example, using the conditional, you can have something like this:

[s2If is_user_logged_in()]
   content that you want seen by only the registered and logged in members.

[s2If !is_user_logged_in()]
    content that you want seen by only the non-logged in members

I do something like that on my own site where there is content for non-logged in members, content for logged in but not paid members and content for logged in and paid members. Everything is on a single page, but everyone sees only what they are supposed to see. It makes for fewer pages in the long run too!

Posted: Tuesday Nov 5th, 2013 at 7:18 pm #60891
Username: cassel

When you create a page in wp, you can incorporate this code in the TEXT editor version of the page.
So if you have a central landing page, you can have this code on top of the page (in the text editor, not the visual editor) so if visitor A has the ccap for the page A+, you would redirect to that page. And then you can also add another code for visitor B who might have ccap for the page B+, so they would be redirected there.

Since the redirect requires your visitor to be logged in to be able to recognize their particular ccaps, you can just have some general text if the person is not logged in like “you need to be logged in to be able to access the page you might be looking for your group” (or something like that).

Posted: Tuesday Nov 5th, 2013 at 6:39 pm #60889
Username: cassel

1- You would put that code on the top of the page.

2- I don’t know about that. Since a lot of information can be retrieved, maybe it is possible, but I am not a programmer, and this is not my ‘expertise’. Since I have never done it, I can’t answer. I am not sure how you can retrieve the group info. Maybe someone with more coding knowledge can answer that part.

Posted: Tuesday Nov 5th, 2013 at 5:31 pm #60886
Username: cassel

I am not 100% sure of this solution but if there was a way for you to have the specific groups as ccaps (custom capabilities) then you could use a conditional to redirect.

I am using a redirect like that based on the ccap (called “element” in my case):

<?php if (current_user_can('access_s2member_ccap_element') && !current_user_can('administrator')){ ?><script type="text/javascript">window.location = 'http://link-to-the-other-page/';</script><?php } else {?><?php } ?>

In order to get the ccap, can you direct the viewer to either different pages for the registration based on their choice, or use different buttons? Would that work for you?

Posted: Tuesday Nov 5th, 2013 at 5:24 pm #60885
Username: cassel

I had the same question when I started as I would always be sent to the dashboard when I logged in. I was told it was a WP thing and not a s2M thing. Anyone with admin privileges will be directed to the dashboard upon logging in.

Posted: Monday Nov 4th, 2013 at 6:49 pm #60860
Username: cassel

Hum… I don’t know about that. Are the downloads all different? If so, I am not sure s2M can calculate the number of items a customer would buy since it does not have a “cart” system.

If the packs (like the 10 downloads) can be always the same as in File1+File2+File3+…+File10, while the 20 download pack goes from File1+…. File20, then you might be able to package them, but if the 10 downloads means “the user can pick any 10 files among this list of 100 files”, then, I don’t think it can work.

Maybe someone has a workaround for that, but I have not seen it. And since I never used that, if it is out there, it probably didn’t hit me.

Posted: Monday Nov 4th, 2013 at 10:59 am #60851
Username: cassel

You can put the links to the downloads pack in the same way.

Posted: Monday Nov 4th, 2013 at 10:37 am #60848
Username: cassel

All subscribers, no matter their level, would be able to log in, so if you use a conditional that anyone who is logged in can access the button, you can hide the button inside a conditional (I have that in my site, so I know that works).

So you can simply go with something like this:

General information about the content in question, which will be seen by everyone, but be used as a sale pitch for anyone new
[s2If is_user_logged_in()]
  Put the code for the Buy now button.
[s2If !is_user_logged_in()]
    A message like this "This package is only available to registered members. If you are already a registered member, please log in (link to the login page). If you are not yet registered, you can register here (and include a link to the registration).

And you can go more complex if you want. Here is an example on my site:
If you are not logged in, you see only a sale pitch.
If you are logged in but didn’t buy the package, you will see the free streaming video and a shorter sale pitch for purchasing the package.
If you are logged in and have purchased the package, you see everything except the sale pitch.

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