latest stable versions: v150827 (changelog)

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Mike (Volunteer Moderator)


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Posted: Thursday Aug 22nd, 2013 at 11:52 pm #56521

This will require some custom coding, but there are hooks/filters in the s2Member® software to make this possible. Please see this file: /s2member/includes/classes/

See also: Knowledge Base » Hacking s2Member® Via Hooks/Filters

Posted: Thursday Aug 22nd, 2013 at 11:19 pm #56502

I think you’re referring to the API Notifications in the Dashboard here: Dashboard -› s2Member® -› API / Notifications. These are primarily intended for connection to customer URLs that you setup to handle the events in whatever way you like (e.g. to prepare custom emails, etc). Please see: Knowledge Base » Building An API Notification Handler

The emails you list here are preformatted and cannot be modified in the current release. However, you can connect the API Notifications to a URL of your own, which may contain a script which takes the data and sends custom emails to whomever you wish, using whatever format and data you’d like to include or exclude.

Posted: Thursday Aug 22nd, 2013 at 11:39 am #56451

What am I doing wrong? Also, I think I might be going a bit crazy, because when I send a subscriber straight to paypal he/she doesn’t come back with a user account and/or membership level automatically. Right? Subscribers need to sign up again in our site, right? Or am I missing something large. I think I’m missing something…

That’s right, however s2Member® knows what they purchased access to, so you can use conditionals in your email message body as you’ve done here. However, you should have just this for the desired result please.

<?php if($paypal['level'] === '1'): ?>
You're gonna know this is email 1 designed for level 1, %%first_name%%, because that's how this muthafucka designed it. You can create your user and password here: %%registration_url%%
<?php endif; ?>

<?php if($paypal['level'] === '2'): ?>
Hola %%first_name%%!  

Gracias por suscribirte a BCN MES. Ahora tienes acceso a totalmente tot. Have fun in there y no dudes de contactarnos con ideas para artículos, eventos, etc. 

Si tens preguntes, ja tu saps. Aquí estem. 

Big barna love,
<?php endif; ?>
Posted: Thursday Aug 22nd, 2013 at 9:26 am #56441

No dates that I’m aware of. However, you can already integrate s2Member® with payment gateways of your choosing using the Pro Remote Operations API, or with the PayPal IPN Proxy. These are advanced solutions that might even require some custom code on your part to finalize, but just so you’re aware :-)

See: Dashboard -› s2Member® -› API / Scripting -› Remote Operations API
See also: Dashboard -› s2Member® -› PayPal® Options -› PayPal® IPN Integration
~ Look under the “more information” section for details about the Proxy IPN Key.

Posted: Thursday Aug 22nd, 2013 at 9:19 am #56439

Sounds good. When you say dashboard you mean I can drop that php directly into the message box?

Exactly. Right into the textarea field for the message body.

Posted: Wednesday Aug 21st, 2013 at 8:44 pm #56386

This can be achieved using Replacement Codes in your Login Welcome Page URL; where instead of choosing a Post or a Page, you setup a Special Redirection URL and include tokens (e.g. Replacement Codes) provided by s2Member®. Please see: Dashboard -› s2Member® -› General Options -› Login Welcome Page

Look for the link that says “Replacement Codes”.

Posted: Wednesday Aug 21st, 2013 at 8:32 pm #56385
This is actually a bit easier in the latest release of s2Member®.

You can just use PHP code in the Dashboard when you configure your email messages.

See: Dashboard -› s2Member® -› PayPal® Options -› Signup Confirmation Email(s)

<?php if($paypal&#91;'level'&#93; === '1'): ?>
	Email for Membership Level 1
<?php endif; ?>

<?php if($paypal&#91;'level'&#93; === '2'): ?>
	Email for Membership Level 2
<?php endif; ?>
Posted: Wednesday Aug 21st, 2013 at 8:20 pm #56382

Thanks for the heads up on this thread :-)


Due to a brute force attack (that is still going on) on wp-login.php, my hosting company has blocked wp-login.php and created a workaround that uses wp-login_new.php for all WP admin access. After any form we’ve set-up is submitted on s2Member the confirmation email includes a link back to wp-login.php for access.

Did you configure s2Member’s Brute Force Restrictions?
Please see: Dashboard -› s2Member® -› Restriction Options -› Brute Force IP/Login Restrictions
See also: Knowledge Base » s2Member® Brute Force IP/Login Restrictions

There’s also a video here that goes over this quickly.
Posted: Wednesday Aug 21st, 2013 at 8:16 pm #56381
Right! You can actually support any MIME type. You just add the MIME type you want to support into that file :-) See: /s2member/includes/mime-types.ini

It’s just a simple text file (line by line).

Posted: Wednesday Aug 21st, 2013 at 8:14 pm #56380

See: Dashboard -› s2Member® -› PayPal® Buttons -› Subscr. Modification Buttons
This is the equivalent with free PayPal “Buttons”. Not exactly the same, but it should help in this case :-)

Posted: Wednesday Aug 21st, 2013 at 8:10 pm #56379

Remove the double quotes (change user_is to current_user_is); you should be good :-)

[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_level1) OR current_user_is(4,s2member_level2)]
	This is content for all level 1 users and also the user with the User ID of 4 who is a level 2 access. (level 2 access to level 1 content has been cut off by in normal circumstances by the Capability Manager plug-in)
Posted: Wednesday Aug 21st, 2013 at 8:08 pm #56378

Great question! This has been asked before, and what has worked well in the past is to purchase the license yourself, but join up under a username that matches the company you are working with. The email and everything can remain under your name until such time as you’d like to transfer the account to them.

The username cannot be changed, but everything else can be :-)

Posted: Wednesday Aug 21st, 2013 at 8:05 pm #56377
Moving this to community forum so that you’ll get a response from others.
Posted: Tuesday Aug 20th, 2013 at 6:58 pm #56301

There’s a nice article here that is very well structured with examples.
Please see: Knowledge Base » Simple Shortcode Conditionals

Posted: Tuesday Aug 20th, 2013 at 6:55 pm #56299

Then what is the Special Redirection URL for?

This allows you to setup any URL you like (other than the home page). So for instance if you were running BuddyPress, you can create a dynamic URL using Replacement Codes provided by s2Member®; or if you have another URL on the site that is not necessarily a Post or a Page in WordPress® you can configure s2Member® to use that :-) Pretty much anything but the home page.

Posted: Tuesday Aug 20th, 2013 at 6:53 pm #56298

Thanks Mike. Yes, I expect that it will take some custom programming – just want to know that it can be done. WooCommerce has all kinds of hooks, so that won’t be the issue. The issue is – is there a way to remote add new users to s2Member from a different site and to also give access to those users to specific membership levels, cCaps, and Specific Pages/Posts.

If anyone knows definitively that is can be done please reply to this thread. And any details on how that would be accomplished would also be much appreciated.

Can definitely be done. While the s2Member® Pro Remote Operations API is still in an experimental state, it’s already equipped with the ability to create, modify and/or delete users with all of the controls that you mentioned. There is documentation and example code provided in the Dashboard when you have s2Member® Pro.

Posted: Tuesday Aug 20th, 2013 at 6:46 pm #56294

Mike, then why is there is a Special Redirection option? That tells me it gives the Admin the option of sending Users anywhere, and I’d like that to be the home page.

I want it to work like the Widget works.

This configuration option in s2Member® is a bit different from a simple redirection alone. While it does control the redirection upon login, it also designates a particular page on your site as being “THE” page where people access their account with you; and this page must not be visible to the public (e.g. s2Member auto-protects your Login Welcome Page). For this reason, the home page cannot be used. Anything else you like is fine, but the home page is never protected by s2Member® because it can cause much confusion and potentially make your site completely inaccessible by anyone.

Posted: Tuesday Aug 20th, 2013 at 6:42 pm #56291

Could this have anything to do with it?
I did rebuild his site with a fresh WP install and imported the users over. If the above thread has the solution how do I implement it? I can put that code where it needs to be if I know where it goes. Thanks!

Yes, this is most definitely the issue. s2Member® does not have all of the data for these customers. You have given s2Member® enough to move them over and deal with most things, but EOTs applied against these customers will fail because there were no ipn_signup_vars moved over during import/export. This is an issue that I will remind Jason about so that a future release can include these details in the export file.

For now, it can be resolved by adding an EOT manually for each user (in the Dashboard); or by giving s2Member what it needs to do the job for you automatically. For each of your users, you will need to give s2Member the original ipn_signup_vars. If you have the old WP database, you can probably just bring over the wp_usermeta table and that’s that.

If not, the details about the ipn_signup_vars field were posted here by Jason.

Posted: Tuesday Aug 20th, 2013 at 6:33 pm #56288

This will most likely require a custom filter applied to get_user_metadata

Something like this perhaps.

Please create this directory and file:
(NOTE: these are MUST USE plugins, see:
(See also:

add_filter('get_user_metadata', 's2_user_metadata', 10, 4);
function s2_user_metadata($current_filter_value, $user_id, $key, $single)
		if(is_null($current_filter_value) && $key === 'user_url')
			$current_filter_value = get_user_field('user_url', $user_id);
		return $current_filter_value;
Posted: Tuesday Aug 20th, 2013 at 6:11 pm #56285

The Login Welcome Page cannot be the home page of the site, because the Login Welcome Page is, by definition, going to be protected from public access. s2Member® ignores your configuration if you choose the home page as your login welcome page.

Posted: Tuesday Aug 20th, 2013 at 6:07 pm #56284

Are you currently using PayPal® Buttons?
If so, you probably want to switch over to Pro Forms now that you have s2Member® Pro.
Please see: Knowledge Base » s2Member® Pro Forms

Posted: Tuesday Aug 20th, 2013 at 6:06 pm #56282

I read the articles about compatible themes. Mentioned are $45 themes. I am looking for free themes [ until I have most everything working, then I will look to upgrade to pro versions].
Is there a list of free themes known to be compatible with s2?

I am not aware of any WordPress® themes which are not compatible with s2Member. You can use pretty much any WP theme you like. Please see:

That being said, these are the best free themes I have come across. Excellent!

Posted: Friday Aug 16th, 2013 at 1:46 pm #56048

1 – Given the above information, we do not have any need for the Membership Options Page; Does S2member still operate without this page?

Yes, and I agree; you won’t need this in that scenario. You’ll still create the page, but you won’t need to put any payment details on it. Instead, I would just put up some details that explain the visitor has accessed a protected area of the site, and perhaps some details about what’s required to gain access.

2 – Do IPN Communications still work with Online Invoicing? i.e. Does S2member still notify us when a customer pays an invoice, or if there is a cancellation, refund or chargeback? Are there any additional configurations needed for this function to work?

Yes, just be sure to follow the instructions provided by s2Member® in the Dashboard. You’ll need to setup your IPN URL at so that your PayPal account is connected to your s2Member® installation. See: Dashboard -› s2Member® -› PayPal® Options -› PayPal® IPN Integration

When you process an order, you’ll be doing it manually. Whenever you create and/or update a user’s account, be sure to choose PayPal from the list of payment gateways (e.g. when creating or updating a User in the Dashboard); and paste in the PayPal Subscription ID (or a Transaction ID) so that s2Member® and PayPal can communicate with each other.

3 – I understand that S2member uses the same login form/page for both the administrator and subscribers. Is it possible to have a separate, dedicated login form/page just for subscribers? How?

Yes, please see: Knowledge Base » s2Member® Login Widgets
Pre Sale FAQs » Is there a way to call upon the Pro Login Widget directly?
See also: Knowledge Base » Login Box Like

Posted: Friday Aug 16th, 2013 at 1:38 pm #56043

It certainly sounds do-able to me. I’ve played around a little bit with WooCommerce, but I’m not aware of any plugin that exists which will do all of this automatically. I would suggest using the s2Member® Pro Remote Operations API; or perhaps just the API Notifications provided by s2Member® to accomplish this. In either case though, it’s most likely going to require at least a small custom script.

See: Knowledge Base » Building An API Notification Handler
See also: Dashboard -› s2Member® -› API / Scripting -› Remote Operations API

Posted: Friday Aug 16th, 2013 at 1:34 pm #56041

@ Michael Malphurs

If you are still having trouble please log into your paid customer account here at and post a new thread in the Customers Forum. Your last post went into the community forum under a free registration.

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Old Forums (READ-ONLY): The community now lives at WP Sharks™. If you have an s2Member® Pro question, please use our new Support System.

Contacting s2Member: Please use our Support Center for bug reports, pre-sale questions & technical assistance.